Here’s Why You Have a Bat Problem on Your Property

Bats are not mysterious animals. They are mammals that we know much about. So, if you have a nuisance bat problem in or around your property, we can mostly likely tell you why. Continue reading to learn some pertinent facts about bats, including what attracts them to a property.

Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Why Bats Like Your House

Bats do not choose to locate in an area for no good reason. Bats like certain properties more than others because of what they have to offer. Most of all, bats are looking for areas that have a water source, ample food, privacy, security from predators, and climate control. In detail, here are the main features and conditions that attract bats to a house or commercial property:

There was Space. There is an area of your property that has ample space for bats to rest, such as accessible wall voids, crawl spaces, attics, vents, and similar places.

There is a Body of Water. Your property is located directly nearby a body of water, such as a lake, pond, river, creek, or stream. All mammals need water, and bats are not different.

There is Food. Your property has a lot of bugs. Bats are insectivores, and eat small flying insects, like mosquitoes, gnats, fleas, flies, and more.

Your Property is Structurally Vulnerable. Your property has small holes, gaps, and openings that bats can squeeze through to access inside. They only need 3/8th of an inch!

How to Solve a Nuisance Bat Problem

Bats are ecologically important, plus beneficial to our economy. They are also protected under local and federal laws that govern wildlife, some of which even being listed as an endangered species. For these reasons and more, bat abatement should never be implemented by anyone other than a licensed wildlife control professional. To resolve your bat issue, contact an Indianapolis bat removal and control company for help. See our blog, “Nuisance Bat Control in 3 Steps or Less” to learn how you can do your part to control nuisance bat activity around your house or building.

Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control Services at Affordable Prices

Call 317-535-4605 for professional, DNR licensed bat removal and control in Indianapolis and Central Indiana. We provide safe and humane solutions for nuisance bat problems on residential and commercial properties. Our DNR licensed contractors provide bat removal, bat proofing, bat cleanup, emergency service, and restorations for bat damages. Call 317-535-4605 to request a free estimate for Indianapolis bat removal and control, today.

Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605
Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605

The Difference Between Big Brown Bats and Little Brown Bats

Two of the most common microbats found in the surrounding Indiana regions are the Little Brown bat and the Big Brown bat. Although they share sister names, they are quite different from one another in terms of biology. Continue reading to learn some fun and informative facts about both species of microbat, as well as, what you should do if you ever find a bat in the house or other area of your property.

Bat Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Big Brown Bat

Big Brown Bat

The Big Brown bat may look like the Little Brown bat, but they are a different species, and just a tad larger, as the names implies. Adult bats have an average wingspan of 13 to 16 inches, and a body length of 3 1/2 to 5 1/2 inches. They are a little bigger as you can see! The rest of their biology and behaviors are the same, with just slight differences.

Their fur is the same as Little Brown bats, ranging in colors from dark browns to reddish hues and lighter-colored bellies. Gestation periods and breeding are the same for both species, as well. Females carry their young for 60 days, before giving birth to a single bat pup each year.

Mating season usually begins in early fall, while birthing season starts in May and continues through June. After 14 days in their mother’s care, bat pups are weaned from milk and taught to fly and hunt for insects. In contrast to Little Brown bats, Big Brown bats tend to roost in smaller colonies, ranging from as little as 20 bats, up to 500 or more.

Little Brown Bat

Adult Little Brown bats have an average wingspan of 9 to 11 inches, and a body length of 2 1/2 to 4 inches. They are small! Their fur ranges in colors of dark browns to reddish browns, with lighter-colored, pale tan bellies. Females carry their young for 60 days, before giving birth to a single bat pup each year. Mating season usually begins in early fall, while birthing season starts in May and continues through July.

After 14 days in their mother’s care, bat pups are weaned from milk and taught to fly and hunt for insects. Little Brown bats, like all bats, are nocturnal, which means they are active from dusk until dawn. Generally, this bat species remain in large numbers, with colonies reaching hundreds or even thousands of bats in some regions.

Typically, Little Brown bats roost in hollowed tree cavities, abandoned mines, caves, log piles, and similar private areas. They are a hibernating species, so in winter, they either migrate to winter roosts, or hibernate in caves, rock crevices, storm sewers, and if they can access them, our attics!

As insectivores, Little Brown bats hunt for mosquitoes, gnats, moths, crane flies, beetles, mayflies, and other small flying insects. A single bat can consume more than 1,000 flying bugs in just one night! That is excellent pest control, and it’s free!

Indianapolis Bat Control Assistance

Call 317-535-4605 for safe bat removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed wildlife rescue and control professionals who specialize in a wide range of non-lethal residential and commercial bat abatement services. We only use safe and humane methods to extract bats and prevent their return, and offer the most competitive prices in town. Request a free estimate, today.

Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605
Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605

5 Areas of a House That Might Be Infested With Bats

Although bats have high ecological value, we do not one them roosting around our properties.  They can cause a range of structural damages inside and outside, and pose a long list of health and safety hazards. For these reasons and more, it is in your best interest to resolve a nuisance about problem before it can get worse. One of the best ways to protect your home from nuisance bad infestations is to implement routine inspections of your property.

Start with some of the more common areas bats like to hide, including these 5, below.

Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control
Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control 317-535-4605


Bats love the dark warm climate of an attic space, which is why you typically find colonies roosting here. Attics are one of the first places professional bat abatement specialists check when they are implementing a property inspection for bat activity. After the sun sets, the air currents come in through the vents, cooling the attic down. Bats are sensitive to such air currents, so they awaken them every evening when it is time to go hunt for insects. The cycle continues until an extraction is performed.

Crawl Spaces

Crawl spaces are another common place to find roosting bats, and for much of the same reasons you find them in attics. Crawl spaces are dark and warm, making for a cozy spot to rest during the day. They are also accessible through gaps and openings high in the house, or through conduits and utility vents.


Chimneys are very common spot for bats to roost, particularly because they are so easy to access. They can also crawl down from the fireplace through a wall, crack, or gap. The most common signs for bats and chimneys are seeing accumulations of guano (bat droppings) around the structure.


Bats are also known to choose rooftops for roosting. They particularly target the corners of a roof, near the vents in the upper siding or the roofing and louvers. Bats will also roost underneath shingles, especially in tile roofing systems. This can cause all sorts of damage, including missing shingles, cracks, water leaks, and more.

Log Piles

Although you wouldn’t suspect it, bats enjoy the warm and cozy privacy that log piles offer. They are very easy to access, and often go unsupervised and unused for weeks at a time. This can be somewhat dangerous if a bat is surprised by searching fingers reaching for a fire pit log. It can also pose a problem with disease, and put your home at a higher risk of interior bat infestations.

What To Do if You Find Bats

If you discover bats living in or around your property, it is important to immediately separate yourself and your loved ones (including cats and dogs) from the vicinity of their roosting area. Under no circumstance should you ever attempt to touch or trap a wild bat. Your next step is to contact a licensed Indiana bat removal and control company for emergency bat extraction services. Whether day or night, skilled professionals have the experience and resources necessary to safely remove bats from any location, at any time.

Indianapolis Bat Control Assistance You Can Afford

Call 317-535-4605 for professional Indianapolis bat removal services you can trust. We are DNR licensed wildlife rescue and control professionals who specialize in a wide range of residential and commercial bat abatement services. We only use safe and humane methods to extract bats and prevent their return, and offer the most competitive prices in town. Request a free estimate, today.

Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605
Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605

Myths About North American Bats

There are many myths and false stereotypes about bats in North America, and even all across the world. Here in this blog, we’ll explore a few of those urban legends and clear up the misunderstandings surrounding these highly important and fascinating mammals.

Common Bat Myths

One common myth is that all bats carry the Rabies virus and infect millions of people around the continent every year. This is far from the truth. The reality is that fewer than 10 people in the last 50 years have been infected with Rabies as a result of a bat bite. Bats typically avoid people, and rarely attack unless cornered or provoked. If you are ever bitten by a bat, all you need to do is consult a doctor and you’ll be just fine.

Another bat urban legend is that some bat species consume blood, namely human blood. This urban legend is not entirely false, just embellished a bit. It is called a vampire bat. They do not actually suck blood, but rather, initiate a bite to a large warm-blooded animal, and then lick up the seeping blood. It is usually cattle that are the common hosts for Vampire bats. They do not bite or consume human blood.

Another common myth concerning bats is that all bats are blind. This is also not true. The misconception comes from the fact that Microbats use echolocation to hunt for insects and food at night. All bats actually see quite well during the day, it’s just that they mostly remain active at night, where they do not count on their eyesight to get around.

Have you ever heard that bats have hundreds of litters of bat babies? Well hopefully not, because this is not the truth. Bats are mammals and have a gestation period of about six months. Once they give birth, it is to usually one bat pup, and in rare cases, it may birth twins. It takes a long time for an entire bat colony to grow. Once bats are grown enough to withstand predators and fly on their own, they can live to almost 30 years!

Many also believe that bat droppings are poisonous. There are some special circumstances to this myth, but for the most part, it is untrue. Bat droppings are referred to as “guano”. Guano is a huge resource for many villages and tribes around the world. People craft household necessities from guano and use it for fertilizer as well. There are many uses for bat guano. However, bat guano can be harmful to ones health if it is digested or inhaled during a sporing stage. This is when fungus species begin to grow on the guano. Around large amounts of guano, people are encouraged to wear face respirators to avoid inhaling the fungus that can cause Histoplasmosis.

The Truth About Bats

Between movies, television, Halloween, and childhood stories, bats have been given an unfair stereotype. They are actually fascinating mammals with a sophisticated system for hunting and flying at night. They breed their young as humans do, having one pup a year; and they have incredible survival skills! They will not fly into your hair or suck your cat’s blood. They are trusting creatures that deserve respect and peace. If they are a nuisance to your property, use a local bat removal service to have them safely excluded.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis bat removal and control services. We provide safe and humane bat removal for commercial and residential properties throughout Central Indiana. Trust us to remove bats and prevent their return, all at an affordable price. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control contractors with more than 20 years of experience working with nuisance bats. Call 317-535-4605 to get rid of bats in Indianapolis, IN today.

3 Common Damages Caused by Bat Infestation

North American bats are very prevalent tenants in nature. Bats are nocturnal mammals that eat thousands of insects on a nightly basis. They are helpful creatures in this way, limiting the amount of mosquitoes feeding on us at our summer barbeques; however, there is a darker side to bats that live near residential areas. Bats like to seek shelter in warm dark places, and with new construction popping up everywhere, their natural habitats are being overcome by buildings and neighborhoods. Rather than finding shelter in more remote areas, bats will look to our properties for shelter. This behavior can cause problems regarding the well-being of our homes and indoor environments. Read on to learn more about the three common damages bats can cause when residing within our homes and buildings.

Bat Mites

Bat mites are microscopic insects that are commonly mistaken for bed bugs. They like to use bats and humans as their host. People will have a pest control company treat their home for bed bugs, only to discover that the problem persists well after the treatment is through. This is because it is not bed bugs that are irritating the homeowner, it is bat mites. Because bats will live inside walls, attics, crawl spaces, and rooftops, their mites will continue to come back because the source of the issue was not solved. In order to get rid of bat mites, you have to get rid of bats first.


Bats are stereotyped as the main source of rabies in America. The truth is, ANY animal can contract rabies and pass it on to humans and other animals. Even though bats are always wrongly associated with rabies, doesn’t mean that they cannot have the disease, as well as others, that can be contagious or dangerous for humans. Along with rabies, bat dropping, or guano, can release spores for Histoplasmosis, which if inhaled, can cause damage to our lungs.

Structural Repairs

Bats are not chewers or biters. They will not claw your dry wall or chew through electrical wiring like raccoons can. Instead, their colonies defecate and urinate all over the area they inhabit. The accumulation of all their droppings will cause serious structural damage to the space they live in, and the spaces surrounding it. The droppings can seep into walls and begin to leak through ceilings. This can soil and destroy attic insulation, dry wall, and more. Also, the odor from the droppings will eventually seep into the living or working space of the property, causing discomfort and embarrassment to the property owners.

Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control

Call Wildlife Rescue and Control at 317-535-4605 to get rid of bats in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed bat removal specialists with decades of experience in the wildlife control industry. We offer a wide range of bat removal and control services, including 24 hour emergency service, free estimates, advice, and answers to bat related questions! Call us at 317-535-4605 for Indianapolis bat removal and control services in Indianapolis, IN today.

Bat Removal Indiana is the Affordable Solution to Getting Rid of Bats in the Attic

Affordable Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control Services for Residential and Commercial Properties!

Bat Removal Indiana is a DNR licensed bat removal and control company based out of Indianapolis. They retain the latest technologies and comprehensive training that allow them to facilitate safe, humane, and most importantly, effective bat removal services. Not only can they extract bats from attics, crawl spaces, drywall, porches, and more, they offer a wide selection of additional bat control services.

For example, if your attic is destroyed by bat droppings and birthing debris, their qualified contractors can provide bat cleanup services and minor attic restorations for damages caused by bats! They also offer bat prevention, bat-proofing, 24 hour emergency services, free advice, and much more. For details about their bat removal and control services, call 317-535-4605 and speak with a DNR licensed bat control contractor today!

Bat Removal Indianapolis

Bat Removal Indiana offers the most effective and skilled nuisance wildlife protection services at the most competitive prices in Indianapolis. You can trust you are getting the fairest and most honest quotes, estimates, and assessments from our DNR licensed bat removal technicians. Visit their website at for more information about their services, prices, availability, and more. Ask for free estimates, over-the-phone quotes, bat-proofing advice, and more anytime. Call 317-535-4605 to learn more about bat removal services in Indianapolis, IN today.

What is the Off-Season for a Bat?

When the weather is cold and the snow begins to fall, bats and other mammals hideaway, making winter their off-season. In fact, the peak demand for bat exclusion among residential and commercial properties is in October, November, and December, when weather is still mild, but cold enough for bats to go looking for shelter. So what happens to bats in their off-season? What kind of activity do they display? Where do they go? Continue reading for answers to these questions and more!

Hibernation or Migration

By the time bat exclusion season ends, bat off-season starts up. Once the weather gets too cold for bats, they start to look for dens, caves, and shelter; which unfortunately and often times includes our attics, crawl spaces, garages, walls, and more. If bats have not found this shelter by the time the harsh winter climates start to take over, they migrate south, following the bugs and warmer weather. For bats that find shelter, they hibernate through the winter season until spring. It is fascinating how some species of bat decide to remain and hibernate, while others prefer to travel south for warm sun and insects!

Once bats come out their 6 month-long torpor, the males are ready to mate. And with a gestation period of only 65 days, bats have their litters in the early summer. A female bat can have up to three litters per breeding season, but often times only gives birth to one single pup at a time. Just at the start of fall, their bat pups through nursing on their mother and grown enough to leave the nest and venture out to forage, feed, and prepare for winter.

Although winter is the off-season for bats, they can still be inside our properties causing damage. If you suspect you have bats in the attic, or in some other area of your home, contact a local Indianapolis bat removal company for professional and prompt assistance.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call 317-535-4605 for fast and affordable bat removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and trained bat exclusionists with decades of experience in the bat control industry. We provide residential and commercial services, as well as, free estimates, DIY advice, and more! Call 317-535-4605 and speak with a licensed bat removal contractor about how to get rid of bats in Indianapolis, IN today.

How Do Mother Bats Find their Baby Bats in the Dark?

When it comes to explaining how mother bats find and locate their young in the dark, in of a colony of hundreds of baby bats, we must first discuss the process of echolocation. Echolocation is a sonar system that nocturnal bats use to locate prey and their young. It is a process of emitting high-frequency sounds that bounce off nearby objects and echo back to the bat. It allows them to visualize a defined grid that they use as a map to guide them around.

On top of echolocation, both chief species of bat have moderate sight capabilities, even in daylight, enabling them to hunt and locate more food and prey. To learn more about mother bats and how they breed and care for their young, continue reading and educate yourself on some fascinating bat facts!

Mother Bats and their Young

Not only can mother bats locate their young in a colony of a thousand bats using echolocation, they can rely on their senses as well. Female nursing bats will remember the pheromones and distinct smell of each individual offspring. It is quite fascinating how nursing bats can accomplish this feat using only smell, moderate vision, and sonar!

When it comes to bats and sight, both species are capable of daytime vision. Megabats, or Megachiroptera, have big eyes and predominant visual centers allowing them to see well during the day. Although nocturnal, mega-bats find it helpful and convenient to hunt for fish, insects, small birds, and other prey in the daytime hours. Their options are much more plentiful and abundant during these times. Some subspecies of Megachiroptera can even see in color during the day, helping them avoid potential predators and search for nectar.

Microchiroptera, or micro-bats, typically eat insects and mosquitoes which are plentiful in the dusk and nighttime hours. This is why they predominantly use echolocation to find their way around. Although sonar is their chief system of navigation, microbats use their mediocre sight to get around at dusk or in the day.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

If you have a bat infestation in your home or property, call Indianapolis Bat Removal at 317-535-4605 today. We are highly trained and DNR licensed bat removal and control specialist with more than 25 years of experience! Get free estimates, consultations, DIY advice, discounts, and more when you call Indianapolis Bat Removal! Contact Us to get rid of bats for good! Call 317-535-4605 for professional bat removal services in Indianapolis, IN.

How Did Bats Get into My House?

One of the most common questions that come around after homeowners discover a bat infestation is how they got inside to begin with. Bats are actually intelligent creatures with keen survival skills and instincts. If they fear the cold or harsh weather, they can find safe shelter in a flick of a wing. Continue reading to learn how bats find ways into our homes, and how to prevent the situation from happening again, or at all.

Bat Infestations in Residential Homes

Bats are hardly ever seen by the general population. Being nocturnal, bats are only active at night and rest during the day. Because of this, people forget how small bats are in size. Bats can squeeze into crevices and spaces as small as 3/8 of an inch wide. They may seem large during flight, but their wing span is deceiving. Bats are tiny and can fit into any hole or gap in homes and buildings. Popular entry points on homes include loose rooftop shingles, gutters, cracks in siding, under porches, attics, garages, and more. These areas are all possible entry ways for bats to get into a home and begin nesting and breeding for the winter.

Prevent Bat Intrusion

Bats can cause a significant amount of structural damage to a home, overtime. The combination of feeding, breeding, and waste accumulation disintegrates wood boards, insulation, and siding. The smell of their droppings can eventually seep into the living areas of the home, causing a foul and undesirable odor. Bats can also chew through electrical wiring, causing expensive repairs and other hassles. Bat prevention is vital, especially if you have already been a victim of a bat infestation. Be sure to contact a professional bat control company for expert bat prevention services and information.

Call Bat Removal Indiana at 317-535-4605 for reliable bat control services in Indianapolis. We are DNR licensed and insured bat exclusion professionals with over two decades of service and experience in the animal removal industry. As a locally owned and operated company, we offer fair and honest rates for all clients, residential or commercial. We also provide free estimates, DIY advice, and general bat information. If you need to know what to do if you come across a bat on your property, call us! Visit our website at any time, or call us directly for accurate bat control advice in Indianapolis, IN.

The Facts about Bat Guano and Histoplasmosis

Bat guano is more commonly known as bat droppings, which refer to their fecal discharges. Bat guano, in other cultures, is a dominant natural resource used for fertilizer and other agricultural commodities. It even has a history as an ingredient in war explosives. Bat guano is prevalent in caves, of course, being a widely-known bat dwelling area. However, in residential and commercial areas of society, bat guano can sometimes be found in other areas, such as homes, buildings, attics, crawl spaces, and other dark, secure places.

What is Histoplasmosis?

Histoplasmosis is an infectious disease that goes by many names. Among its various aliases, you will see it be called Spelunker’s Lung, Cave Disease, Ohio Valley Disease, Reticuloendotheliosis, and Darling’s Disease. Histoplasmosis is a disease passed on by a fungus called Histoplasmosis Capsulatum that grows in bat guano. This disease has symptoms similar to the flu, such as coughing and difficulty breathing. It is caught by inhaling the spores of the fungus. It is not contagious, but is can be easily inhaled unknowingly and active within days.

Who is at Risk to Catching the Disease?

Anyone can get Histoplasmosis, depending on where they are and what is happening around them. For example, a person with an extreme bat infestation problem in their attic can unknowingly inhale fungus spores and get the illness eventually. The more common victims would be cave miners and spelunkers, chimney cleaners, construction workers, repair people and HVAC workers, or anyone else in a field where they might be around dark, warm places often. Basically, anyone who comes across the fungi can be exposed and conflicted with it.

Is it Life Threatening?

In most cases, the answer is typically no. In other rare or extreme cases, fatality can occur. If an elderly person with a weakened immune system is heavily exposed over a long period of time, then it could be fatal. If the symptoms are bad and go untreated, fatality can also occur. But in most cases, the symptoms are mild and tend to go away on their own. Many people are unaware they even had Histoplasmosis because it is so similar to the common cold. If you are even feeling under the weather and think it could be related to bat guano or Histoplasmosis, contact your family doctor to set up a checkup right away.

For more information on bats in the attic, or bat removal, contact our licensed animal control company in Indiana at 317-535-4605 today. We are happy to provide free estimates, DIY assistance, and guidance on bat infestations and more. Be sure to visit out Indianapolis Bat Removal website for a list of our services too!