Bat Control 101: Tips and Tricks for Indiana Residents

Bats play a vital role in our ecosystems as pollinators and insect controllers, but they can become unwelcome guests when they roost in our attics and buildings. Indiana residents may occasionally find themselves needing safe, effective solutions for bat control. This comprehensive guide aims to empower homeowners, building owners, and landlords with the knowledge to navigate these situations conscientiously.

An Eastern Red Bat - Lasiurus borealis
An Eastern Red Bat – Lasiurus borealis

Common Bat Species in Indiana

Indiana is home to several Microchiroptera bat species, including the Indiana bat—Myotis sodalis—which is federally endangered, and the more commonly encountered Little Brown Bat—Myotis lucifugus. Other species of bat native to Indiana and surrounding parts include the Northern Long-eared Bat—Myotis septentrionalis, Tri-Colored Bat—Perimyotis subflavus, Big Brown Bat—Eptesicus fuscus and Eastern Red Bat—Lasiurus borealis. Microchiroptera bats, or microbats, are different from Megachiroptera bat species. Megachiroptera bats, or megabats, have larger eyes, are primarily fruit eaters and can be found in warmer climates.

Basic Bat Biology and Behavior

Bats, fascinating creatures of the animal kingdom, hold a unique distinction as the only mammals naturally capable of sustained flight. Drawing closer, we discover their intriguing behavior: during daylight hours, they seek refuge in dark and secluded areas, patiently awaiting the arrival of dusk. As the sun sets and darkness envelops the sky, these nocturnal beings emerge, ready to embark on their quest for sustenance.

With graceful flight, they traverse the night, skillfully maneuvering through the air in search of insects to feast upon. It is this evening activity that plays a crucial role in their survival, as they contribute to the delicate balance of nature by helping to reduce pesky insect populations. Truly, bats are a marvel of adaptation and an integral part of our ecosystem.

Identifying Bat Infestations

Attics, eaves, and wall cavities provide favorable conditions for bats to roost. These areas offer seclusion and protection from predators, creating an ideal habitat for these fascinating creatures. With their ability to navigate in the dark and their unique echolocation system, bats have adapted to thrive in these hidden spaces. By taking advantage of the shelter and safety provided by attics, eaves, and wall cavities, bats can establish colonies and contribute to the delicate balance of our ecosystem.

Signs of a Bat Infestation:

▶ Unusual sounds (scratching, squeaking) in walls or ceilings
▶ Accumulation of guano (bat droppings) in or around your property
▶ Sighting of bats flying in or out of buildings at dawn or dusk

Health Risks Associated with Bats

While bats are typically non-aggressive, it’s crucial to note that they can carry diseases such as Rabies. Additionally, bat guano can lead to respiratory disease known as histoplasmosis. Hence, exercising caution and refraining from direct contact is of utmost importance.

Bat Control Strategies:

Sealing Entry Points – Identify and seal any openings larger than a quarter of an inch—bats can squeeze through surprisingly small gaps.

Bat-Proofing Your Home – Installing bat boxes to provide alternative roosts and using mothballs or aluminum foil as deterrents can be part of an integrated control strategy.

Maintaining a Clean Environment – Removing standing water and trimming tree branches away from structures can reduce attractants for bats seeking a habitat.

How to Ensure Humane Bat Removal

Due to the potential risks involved, as well as the humane and legal implications, it is crucial to hire professional bat removal services that specialize in bat exclusion techniques. These experts have the knowledge and experience to safely and effectively handle bat infestations, ensuring the well-being of both humans and bats.

Attempting to trap or handle bats yourself can be extremely unsafe and is potentially illegal. Bats are a protected species in many areas and interfering with them without the proper permits or expertise can have serious consequences. Indiana state law protects bats, and it’s illegal to kill or harm bats, including endangered species like the Indiana bat. Always follow state guidelines and obtain necessary permits for bat removal.

By relying on professional bat removal and control, you can have peace of mind knowing that the situation will be handled responsibly and in accordance with the law.


For Indiana residents, understanding the delicate balance between beneficial bat behaviors and the safety of human habitats is key. Proactive bat control is about coexistence and ensuring that we handle our winged neighbors responsibly. With the proper approach and professional guidance, you can address nuisance bat issues while contributing to the well-being of our natural environment.

Remember, if you suspect a bat infestation, prioritize safe, humane, and legal bat removal procedures. It’s essential to protect both your home and Indiana’s vital bat populations. Contact us at 317-535-4605 to schedule a critter control home inspection for bats, or for emergency bat removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana.  We also offer free estimates!

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Exploring the Echolocation Behavior of Common Bat Species in Indiana
Uncovering the Nocturnal Habits of Bats in Northern Indiana
Everything You Need to Know About Indiana Bat Conservation Strategies

Sharing Space: Understanding Why Bats Love Your Attic

In the quiet corners of our homes, particularly in the attic, we often find unexpected, unwelcome guests – bats. In the state of Indiana, these nocturnal creatures, particularly nuisance species like the Little Brown Bat and the Indiana Bat, find solace in the warmth and security of your attic. But what drives these bats to turn your homes into their haven, and what potential damage could they cause?

This blog post aims to shed light on the behaviors of these bats, the risks they pose including potential diseases like Rabies, and finally the paramount importance of bat control, removal, and prevention. As we delve into this significant issue of ‘bats in the attic’, we will explore effective strategies for bat-proofing your home, ensuring that you and your loved ones can live bat-free and worry-free.

Call 317-535-4605 For Bat Removal Services in Indianapolis
Call 317-535-4605 For Bat Removal Services in Indianapolis

Understanding the Common Species of Nuisance Bats in Indiana

First and foremost, it is crucial to understand the types of bats that are commonly found in attics in Indiana. The state is home to various species of bats, but the two most prevalent nuisance bats are the Little Brown Bat and the Indiana Bat. The Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) is a small brown bat that measures between 2.5 to 4 inches in length and has a wingspan of approximately 8 to 9 inches.

These bats are often found roosting in attics, barns, and other buildings, particularly during the winter months when they hibernate. On the other hand, the Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) is a federally endangered species that primarily roosts in caves during the summer but may seek out buildings and attics for hibernation during the colder months.

Bat Behaviors and Potential Damages

Bats are fascinating creatures with unique behaviors, but unfortunately, these behaviors can cause significant damage to our homes. Bats are social animals, forming colonies that can range from a few bats to hundreds. This means that if there is one bat in your attic, there is likely a colony living there. As they roost in large numbers, their droppings, known as guano, accumulate quickly and can cause structural damage to your home’s interior and exterior. The acidic nature of bat droppings can corrode wood, metal, and other building materials, leading to potential health and safety hazards. Additionally, bats can also cause damage by gnawing on electrical wires and insulation, which can increase the risk of fires.

Potential Diseases from Bats in the Attic

Aside from the physical damage that bats can cause to our homes, they also pose a significant health risk to humans. One of the most well-known diseases associated with bats is Rabies. This viral disease affects the central nervous system and can be transmitted to humans from a bite or scratch by an infected bat. Although rabies is rare in bats, it is crucial to seek medical attention if you have been bitten or scratched by a bat. Bats are also known carriers of other diseases such as Histoplasmosis, a lung infection caused by inhaling fungal spores found in bat droppings.

Importance of Bat Control and Prevention

Given the potential damage and health risks that bats pose, it is crucial to take necessary measures for bat control and prevention. The first step is to seek professional help from a licensed bat removal company with experience in safely and humanely removing bats from your attic. Once the bats have been removed, it is essential to seal off all potential entry points in your home to prevent future infestations. This involves sealing gaps or cracks in your roof and walls, installing chimney caps, and repairing any damage that may serve as entry points for bats. It is also crucial to regularly inspect your home for signs of bat infestation and take prompt action if any are found.


In conclusion, bats in the attic may seem like a nuisance, but they can cause significant damage to our homes and pose health risks that should not be taken lightly. Therefore, it is vital to understand their behaviors and potential diseases, as well as the importance of bat control and prevention. By following the strategies mentioned in this blog, we can ensure that our homes remain bat-free and safe for our families. Remember, if you do encounter bats in your attic, always seek professional help for their removal and take the necessary steps to prevent them from returning.  So, keep a watchful eye out for any signs of these winged creatures in your attic, and take action before it’s too late.

If you have bats in your home, take immediate action. Contact Bat Removal Indiana at 317-535-4605 for licensed and insured bat removal services in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. We serve both residential and commercial clients.

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Uncovering the Nocturnal Habits of Bats in Northern Indiana

In the silent twilight hours of Northern Indiana, an array of bat species takes to the skies in search of food and mates. These captivating creatures, shrouded in mystery and often misunderstood, lead an intriguing nocturnal life that is ripe for exploration.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the unique behaviors of Indiana bats, unpacking the reasons behind their nightly escapades and the distinctive traits that set different species apart. Join us as we embark on this fascinating journey, peeling back the veil of the night to reveal the unseen world of these remarkable flying mammals.

Call 317-535-4605 When You Need Bat Removal Services Near Indianapolis
Call 317-535-4605 When You Need Bat Removal Services Near Indianapolis

Bat Species in Indiana

The state of Indiana is home to a wide variety of bat species, including the endangered Indiana bat. This particular species was listed as an endangered animal in 1967 and has since experienced considerable conservation efforts. The Indiana bat is also known for its shorter wingspan than other species, usually measuring between 7 and 9 inches across. Additionally, these nocturnal mammals are notable for their migratory behavior, traveling up to 500 miles round-trip during their annual migration.

But the Indiana bat is just one of many interesting species that can be found in Northern Indiana. Other bat populations include the Big Brown bat, Red bat, and Silver-Haired bat. Each of these species exhibits its own unique characteristics and behaviors, allowing us to gain a better understanding of the nocturnal habits of bats in the area.

Bat Activity

When it comes to their daily activities, bats typically begin their night by emerging from their roosts around dusk. During this time, they may forage for food, or engage in mating and social behaviors such as hunting together in groups. Bats have an incredibly diverse diet, dining on everything from insects to fruit and even the occasional mouse. Studies have shown that bats are capable of eating up to 1000 insects in a single hour, making them important predators for keeping insect populations in check.

Bat Habitats

We can also learn a lot about bat behavior by studying their roosts. Bats use roosts as a place to rest, socialize, and even raise their young. Roosts can range from crevices between tree bark to buildings, depending on the species and its needs. During the day, bats will usually rest in these roosts, reducing their body temperature and conserving energy for their nighttime escapades.

Bat Echolocation

Finally, one of the most important behaviors that bats exhibit is echolocation. This is a remarkable sonar ability that bats use to locate prey and navigate their environment at night. Bats have special organs in their head that emit high-frequency sound waves, which bounce off of nearby objects and return to the bat. By listening for these echoes, bats can determine where they are and identify potential food sources with incredible accuracy.

Tips for Safe Bat Control

Though bats are fascinating creatures, they can be a nuisance if they enter human dwellings and roost inside. If you’re experiencing a bat infestation in your home, there are a few simple measures that you can take to handle the situation safely. Here are some tips for safe bat control:

☑ First of all, it’s important to ensure that all of your doors and windows are closed securely, as open entryways can be an invitation for bats to come inside.

☑ If you do find a bat in your home, don’t panic – bats are more afraid of humans than we are of them! To remove the bat safely, simply open a window or door in the same room and wait until it flies out.

☑ If the bat doesn’t seem to be leaving, it’s best to call an expert for help. A professional bat removal specialist will be able to safely remove the bat without harming it.

By following these tips and being aware of their environment, you can ensure that both bats and humans alike remain safe in their respective habitats.

Final Thoughts

Through careful observation of bats in their natural environment, we can gain a better understanding of these remarkable creatures and the nocturnal habits that make them so unique. The next time you spot a bat on a night-time stroll through Northern Indiana, take some time to appreciate its fascinating behavior and the secrets it holds about the hidden world of nocturnal animals.

Are you dealing with an increasingly risky bat population on or around your Indy property? Contact us today at 317-535-4605for professional Indianapolis bat removal services you can afford. We are DNR licensed and insured, serving both residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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Everything You Need to Know About Indiana Bat Conservation Strategies

Indiana bats are a vital part of our ecosystem, yet they are one of the most endangered species in the United States. These nocturnal creatures play a critical role in maintaining a balance in our environment, notably through insect control. However, their population in Indiana and across the nation has seen a drastic decline, primarily due to habitat loss, white-nose syndrome, and human disturbance.

This blog post aims to shed light on the importance of Indiana bat conservation and the different protection strategies currently in place. We’ll delve into the challenges faced by these bats, the efforts to secure their habitats, and how you can contribute to their conservation. This is a call to action for all of us to protect these fascinating creatures before it’s too late.

Call 317-535-4605 For Professional Bat Removal Service Near Indianapolis
Call 317-535-4605 For Professional Bat Removal Service Near Indianapolis

Endangered Bats of Indiana

Indiana bats are the only native bat species in Indiana. They were first listed as an endangered species in 1967 due to their rapid decline in population. The main factor behind this crisis is habitat loss, which is caused by land development and deforestation. This has drastically impacted their foraging and roosting sites, resulting in a decrease in food sources and overall safety. White-nose syndrome is another major concern. This fungal disease has been affecting bats in the US for more than a decade, decimating their numbers and resulting in mortality rates of up to 90%.

Current Bat Conservation Efforts

Fortunately, there are several conservation efforts underway to protect these endangered Indiana bats. The first step has been creating secure bat habitats that are free from human disturbance and safe from white-nose syndrome. For instance, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has been working with local landowners to create large bat sanctuaries and preserve their existing roost sites. Additionally, state authorities are studying the impact of wind turbines on these bats to ensure their safety when they migrate in search of food sources.

In addition, public awareness initiatives are being carried out to educate people about the importance of protecting these endangered bats. By raising awareness, we can all help reduce the threats they face and protect their habitats. One such campaign is the Indiana Bat Education Program, which was launched in 2019 by IDNR to spread knowledge about bat conservation and create a better understanding of their plight.

How to Do Your Part to Protect Bats in Indiana

There are many ways for you to contribute to Indiana bat conservation. You can join volunteer programs or donate to organizations that are dedicated to preserving their habitats and securing their future. Another way is to become an advocate for bats and spread the word about the importance of protecting them. Finally, make sure your home is “bat-friendly” by avoiding pesticides, providing nesting boxes, and minimizing outdoor lighting.

How to Safely Manage Nuisance Bats Around Your Home or Business

While bats play an essential role in our ecosystem, sometimes they can become a nuisance around homes and businesses. If you spot bats near your property or inside your home, it’s important to remember that any wildlife species is protected by law and must be handled with caution. Here are some tips for managing nuisance bats:

The first step is to identify the bat species. Some bats are protected and must not be disturbed or harmed in any way. Make sure to identify the species before taking any action.

If you see a single bat inside your home, open all windows and doors to allow it to escape. Never try to catch it yourself as this can cause injury.

If there is an infestation of bats near your property, contact a wildlife professional to assess the situation and provide advice on how to safely remove them.

Make sure to check for any regulations or restrictions in place when it comes to dealing with bats in your area. You likely need a licensed professional to assist you with bat removal.

Once the bats have been safely removed, look for ways to prevent future infestations by sealing any entry points and removing food sources such as pest insects.

In Summary

Indiana bats are a valuable part of our environment, and we must act now to ensure their future survival. By working together, we can make sure Indiana’s bat population is safe from harm and that their habitats remain intact for generations to come. So, join us in the fight and be part of the solution!

If you have a bat problem, only trust a licensed and insured bat pest control professional for help extracting and managing them. Contact us at 317-257-2290 for professional and prompt Indianapolis IN bat removal services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Common Uses for Bat Guano

A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Types of Bats Found in Indiana

Indiana is home to a diverse array of bat species, ranging from the endangered Indiana Bat to the more common Big Brown Bat. As one of the most ecologically important animals in our state, bats play an essential role in keeping insect populations under control and providing valuable pollination services.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the different types of bats that can be found in Indiana and their unique characteristics. We’ll also discuss how you can help protect these fascinating creatures from further endangerment. So, if you want to learn more about bats, read on!

Call 317-535-4605 For Licensed Bat Infestation Removal in Indianapolis
A Little Brown Bat in Hiding

Common Types of Indiana Bat Species

The Indiana Bat

Indiana is home to eleven species of bats, including the endangered Indiana Bat. This species is one of the smallest bats in North America and can be identified by its reddish-brown fur, yellowish wing membranes, and short snout. Indiana Bats are only found in certain caves during the summer months and are usually seen foraging low over the ground in search of insect prey. Therefore, if you plan on visiting any cave systems within Indiana’s borders, make sure that you take caution not to disturb these important creatures.

The Big Brown Bat

The Big Brown Bat is another common bat species found in Indiana. These larger bats typically roost in attics or barns but may also be observed flying around open spaces at night. These bats are identified by their glossy brown fur, long ears, and broad wings. Although they feed on a variety of insects, Big Brown Bats are especially attracted to moths, making them an important part of the local ecosystem.

Myotis Bat Species

Indiana is also home to two species of Myotis Bats: The Northern Long-Eared and the Little Brown Bat. The Northern Long-Eared Bat has long ears that extend longer than its head and can be distinguished by its grayish-brown fur and medium size compared to other bat species. This bat feeds mostly on small moths or beetles but may also eat spiders or small fish if necessary. On the other hand, Little Brown Bats are slightly smaller than the Northern Long-Eared Bat and has a lighter brown fur coat. Like the Northern Long-Eared Bat, it feeds primarily on moths or beetles but will also eat other small insects if necessary.

Endangered Bats

Finally, Indiana is home to two species of endangered bats: the Gray Bat and the Virginia Big-Eared Bat. The Gray Bat is one of the largest bat species in North America and can be identified by its distinctive gray fur and long ears. This species feeds mainly on flying insects such as moths or beetles but may also consume aquatic prey when available. The Virginia Big-Eared Bat is much smaller than the Gray Bat and has a light brown fur coat with distinctive large ears that are almost three times larger than those found on other bat species. This species mainly feeds on moths but may also eat beetles, caddisflies, or aquatic insects.

Ecological Benefits of Bats

Bats play an extremely important role in Indiana’s ecosystem by helping to control insect populations and providing valuable pollination services. However, both the Gray Bat and the Virginia Big-Eared Bat are endangered due to habitat destruction, and it is up to us to ensure these creatures remain safe in our state. By taking action now we can make sure that future generations of humans and bats can coexist peacefully for years to come!

Help Protect Bat Populations Around Indiana

For more information about bats in Indiana, be sure to check out the Indiana Department of Natural Resources website. You can also visit one of the many caves in our state to get a closer look at these incredible creatures! If you want to help protect bats in Indiana, consider joining a local conservation group or volunteering at a bat rehabilitation center. You can also install bat houses on your property. No matter how you choose to contribute, remember that preserving bats and their habitats is essential for maintaining balance within our ecosystems. So don’t forget –when it comes to bats, every effort counts!

If you have a bat problem, only trust a licensed and insured bat pest control professional for help extracting and managing them. Contact us at 317-257-2290 for professional and prompt Indianapolis IN bat removal services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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How to Keep Bats Out of Your Home: The Top 10 Exclusion Best Practices
A Comprehensive Guide to Bat Proofing Your Home
What To Look for in Professional Bat Removal Services

The Difference Between Big Brown Bats and Little Brown Bats

Two of the most common microbats found in the surrounding Indiana regions are the Little Brown bat and the Big Brown bat. Although they share sister names, they are quite different from one another in terms of biology. Continue reading to learn some fun and informative facts about both species of microbat, as well as, what you should do if you ever find a bat in the house or other area of your property.

Bat Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Big Brown Bat

Big Brown Bat

The Big Brown bat may look like the Little Brown bat, but they are a different species, and just a tad larger, as the names implies. Adult bats have an average wingspan of 13 to 16 inches, and a body length of 3 1/2 to 5 1/2 inches. They are a little bigger as you can see! The rest of their biology and behaviors are the same, with just slight differences.

Their fur is the same as Little Brown bats, ranging in colors from dark browns to reddish hues and lighter-colored bellies. Gestation periods and breeding are the same for both species, as well. Females carry their young for 60 days, before giving birth to a single bat pup each year.

Mating season usually begins in early fall, while birthing season starts in May and continues through June. After 14 days in their mother’s care, bat pups are weaned from milk and taught to fly and hunt for insects. In contrast to Little Brown bats, Big Brown bats tend to roost in smaller colonies, ranging from as little as 20 bats, up to 500 or more.

Little Brown Bat

Adult Little Brown bats have an average wingspan of 9 to 11 inches, and a body length of 2 1/2 to 4 inches. They are small! Their fur ranges in colors of dark browns to reddish browns, with lighter-colored, pale tan bellies. Females carry their young for 60 days, before giving birth to a single bat pup each year. Mating season usually begins in early fall, while birthing season starts in May and continues through July.

After 14 days in their mother’s care, bat pups are weaned from milk and taught to fly and hunt for insects. Little Brown bats, like all bats, are nocturnal, which means they are active from dusk until dawn. Generally, this bat species remain in large numbers, with colonies reaching hundreds or even thousands of bats in some regions.

Typically, Little Brown bats roost in hollowed tree cavities, abandoned mines, caves, log piles, and similar private areas. They are a hibernating species, so in winter, they either migrate to winter roosts, or hibernate in caves, rock crevices, storm sewers, and if they can access them, our attics!

As insectivores, Little Brown bats hunt for mosquitoes, gnats, moths, crane flies, beetles, mayflies, and other small flying insects. A single bat can consume more than 1,000 flying bugs in just one night! That is excellent pest control, and it’s free!

Indianapolis Bat Control Assistance

Call 317-535-4605 for safe bat removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed wildlife rescue and control professionals who specialize in a wide range of non-lethal residential and commercial bat abatement services. We only use safe and humane methods to extract bats and prevent their return, and offer the most competitive prices in town. Request a free estimate, today.

Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605
Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605

Are Bats Still Hibernating?

Bats greatly rely on the biological instinct of hibernation, also known as hibernacula, to help survive the harsh conditions of winter. In fact, the word hibernation comes from the Latin word hibernare, which literally means to pass the winter. During hibernacula, bats enter into a stasis called torpor, in which major metabolic changes take place, including a reduction in body temperature, heart rate, and breathing rate.

Although many animals hibernate for the winter, bats in particular happen to be experts. However, this does not mean they take advantage of their hibernacula abilities; as soon as conditions are right, bats will come out of torpor and integrate back into the Eco-system for spring, summer, and fall.

But when does this actually take place? How long do bats stay in hibernation? Continue reading to find out!

Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Hibernation Periods of Indiana Bats

One of the most common hibernating species of bat is called the Indiana bat, or Myotis Sodalis. The first of its kind was discovered in 1904, in Wyandotte Cave in Southern Indiana, hence the name “Indiana” bat. Their scientific name, Myotis Sodalis, is quite fitting since Myotis means mouse ears, which happens to be an accurate depiction of the Indiana bat, whose ears are small and mouse-like. The latter term, Sodalis means companion, which also fits because they are a very social and collective species. They form large colonies and cluster together when it comes time to hibernate.

An interesting fact about a bat’s hibernacula is that they accumulate and store a particular type of fat cells called “brown fat” on their backs, shoulder blades, and bellies. This helps them retain proper body heat and energy to survive the hibernation period. Unfortunately, they are an endangered species, so their winter survival has a lot at stake. They usually hibernate for a period of 6 months, and then emerge once late spring arrives. They move to their summer homes, usually in wooded areas.

Nuisance Bat Problems are Real

Unfortunately, climate changes, land over-development, and more can push bats out of their natural habitat, thus forcing them to find shelter in urban and suburban settings. This is how most bats become a nuisance problem for homeowners. If you have a bat problem in or around your property, contact a licensed Indianapolis bat removal company for professional assistance you can trust.

Indianapolis Bat Removal Services You Can Trust

Call 317-535-4605 for affordable Indianapolis bat removal services, solutions, advice, and more. We are highly-trained and DNR licensed bat removal contractors that offer a wide range of non-lethal bat exclusion and extraction services for residential and commercial properties. We also offer bat cleanup, bat damage repair, and bat-proofing services. Call 317-535-4605 for Indianapolis bat removal you can trust.

Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605
Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605

The 3 Primary North American Bats

There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of species of bats all across the world. From large-winged, fruit eating bats like the Megachiroptera, to the tinier, insect eating, Echolocating bats like the Microchiroptera, bats come in all different shapes and forms. But in North America, there are 3 particular species of bat seen most often. These bat species include the Little Brown Bat, the Big Brown Bat, and the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat. Continue reading to learn some fun and interesting details about each bat species, and who to call if your home is bothered by nuisance bats.

Little Brown Bat

“Myotis lucifugus

The Little Brown bat is a member of the “mouse-eared” bat species, Myotis. This is why they are also referred to as the Little Brown Myotis. They are one of the most common species of bat in North America. Their fur is brown, as the name suggests, with dark grey underbellies. Their length average is between 6 to 10 centimeters, and they can weight up to 14 grams.

They are often confused for the Indiana Brown Bat, but can be easily distinguished by the absence of a keel on the calcar and long-haired hind feet. They are nocturnal, use echolocation to hunt and navigate in the dark, and primarily eat insects, like mosquitoes.

Big Brown Bat

“Eptesicus fuscus

The Big Brown Bat is a member of the fuscus species, and most native to North America, the Caribbean, and even parts of Central America. As medium-sized bats, they grow up to 13 centimeters in length, and can weight up to 16 grams. Like the Little brown bat, they are also nocturnal, echolocating, and insectivorous.

They roost during the day, usually in hollow trees, and hunt for insects at night. They are known as a nuisance bat in some areas, commonly taking refuge in residential and commercial structures like sheds, attics, crawl spaces, and more.

Mexican Free-Tailed Bat

“Tadarida brasiliensis

The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is also commonly referred to as the Brazilian free-tailed bat. They are native to many parts of North America, but unfortunately experiencing population decline in California, making their preservation a growing concern. The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is a medium-sized bat that has much in common with the above-mentioned species.

They are nocturnal insectivores that use ultrasonic sounds called echolocation to navigate and hunt for insects at night. Growing up to 9 centimeters in length and up to 12 grams in weight, the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is a medium-sized species.

Bat Problems

If you are experiencing nuisance bat problems on your property, you require non-lethal bat exclusion and extraction services from a professional bat removal and control company. They use safe and humane methods to get rid of bats and prevent their return. But don’t just call any service, trust only an experienced wildlife rescue and control company in your town!

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis bat removal you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control contractors that specialize is safe, non-lethal bat exclusion and extraction services. Whether commercial or residential, we are fully-equipped to extract from any property. Call 317-535-4605 to learn more about getting rid of bats in Indianapolis, IN today.

Varieties of Bat Species Found in Indiana

There are twelve known species of bat commonly found in the state of Indiana. Among these twelve bat species, three categories can be defined; separating the species into smaller and more specific classifications. In this blog, we will explore a few of these Indiana bats while still defining the three categories and specifying all twelve species. Continue reading to learn some interested facts about Indiana bats and how they are similar and different from each other in the wild.

Species of Bat in Indiana

The twelve species of bat found in Indiana are as follows: the Big-Eared Bat, Red Bat, Southeastern Bat, Hoary Bat, Gray Bat, Evening Bat, Northern Bat, Silver-Haired Bat, Little Brown Bat, Big Brown Bat, the Pipistrelle Bat, and the popular Indiana Bat. The Big-Eared Bat has mostly migrated out of Indiana, and is not regularly seen here in the state any more but still spotted in other areas. The same goes for the Southeastern Bat.

These twelve bats can be sub classified into three separate groups. The first group is referred to as “Solitary Bats” in the Lasiurus genus, containing the Red Bat, Silver-Haired Bat, and the Hoary Bat. The second group is referred to as “Social Bats” in the Myotis genus, containing the Little Brown Bat, Northern Bat, Indiana Bat, Gray Bat, and the Southeastern Bat. The third group is referred to as the “Social Bats in Other Genera”, containing the Big Brown Bat, the Pipistrelle Bat, the Evening Bat, and the Big-Eared Bat. The solitary bats migrate south in the winter, while others migrate in spring and fall months.

These bats are commonly forced out of their natural habitats due to new construction and land developments. This forces them to find shelter by any means necessary. Common spots include residential attics and crawl spaces, as well as, basements, garages, sheds, and utility rooms. In commercial properties, bats use rooftops, insulation, and insides of walls for shelter, breeding, and nesting. It is important to hire a trusted animal control company to remove bat colonies from residential or commercial properties in a safe and humane way.

For more information about bat removal in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding areas, call 317-535-4605 today. Our licensed and experienced animal control technicians use safe and humane methods to capture and release bats far from your property. We offer free estimates, information, DIY advice, references, and more. Visit our website at for details about our services and company background. For fast, effective, and affordable bat removal services in Indianapolis, IN, call our experts at 317-535-4605 today!