Why You Need a Professional for Bat Removal in Indianapolis

Bats are truly fascinating and remarkable creatures, as well as an important component to our surrounding Eco-system. They eat thousands of mosquitos and insects each night, and they are the only mammal capable of true flight! These two facts alone are reason enough to love and respect bats. But what if bats are becoming a nuisance on your property? In this case, you need a professional bat removal specialist. Bat extraction and exclusion are delicate processes that should only be carried out by a licensed wildlife control company in Indianapolis.

There are several reasons why you should never attempt to remove bats on your own. Continue reading to find out why!

Professional Bat Removal Indianapolis 317-535-4605
Professional Bat Removal Indianapolis 317-535-4605

The Importance of Professional Bat Extraction

You must hire a licensed wildlife control company to get rid of bats in Indianapolis. Why? Well, there are many reasons, but the top 3 are 1) bats are known carriers of several infectious disease, including the Rabies virus; 2) bats generate massive damage and biohazardous conditions; and 3) they are extremely difficult to get rid of without the proper resources.

Bats Carry and Spread Disease

Bats are commonly associated with the Rabies virus, and they very well should be. This does not mean that all bats have rabies, but many can be carriers without ever showing signs of the virus. You never know if a bat has Rabies, or other infectious diseases.

In addition, their droppings and guano can produce infectious spores that cause an illness called Histoplasmosis. This illness primarily affects the lungs and respiratory system but can also harm other vital organs. Histoplasmosis can be fatal if left untreated.

Professional bat removal companies retain proper training and equipment to accurately identify diseases and combat them safely. Attempting to get rid of bats on your own can result in a bat bite, contamination from droppings, saliva, or urine, and structural damage to your home.

It is Difficult to Get Rid of Bats Unless You are Properly Equipped

It takes specialized equipment, knowledge, training, and most importantly, state licensing and permits, to remove bats and apply preventative maintenance strategies to bat-proof a property. Professional Indianapolis bat removal teams retain the latest technologies and local industry resources to efficiently locate, identify, extract, and exclude bats, regardless of their roost infestation location.

Furthermore, it is important to understand that most bat removal companies in Indianapolis provide minor restoration services for damages caused by a bat infestation or tampering, such as insulation replacement, bio-hazard cleanup, decontamination services, and crawl space repairs. Most importantly, a professional bat removal specialist can educate home and property owners about proper bat prevention, and how to identify signs of a bat infestation.

Do you need to get rid of bats in or around your property? Contact us at 317-257-2290 for professional and prompt Indianapolis IN bat removal services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients throughout Central Indiana.

Related Posts:

Never Attempt to Remove Bats By Yourself
Does Histoplasmosis Come From Bat Guano?
Facts About Rabies in Bats

Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605
Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605

The 3 Primary North American Bats

There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of species of bats all across the world. From large-winged, fruit eating bats like the Megachiroptera, to the tinier, insect eating, Echolocating bats like the Microchiroptera, bats come in all different shapes and forms. But in North America, there are 3 particular species of bat seen most often. These bat species include the Little Brown Bat, the Big Brown Bat, and the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat. Continue reading to learn some fun and interesting details about each bat species, and who to call if your home is bothered by nuisance bats.

Little Brown Bat

“Myotis lucifugus

The Little Brown bat is a member of the “mouse-eared” bat species, Myotis. This is why they are also referred to as the Little Brown Myotis. They are one of the most common species of bat in North America. Their fur is brown, as the name suggests, with dark grey underbellies. Their length average is between 6 to 10 centimeters, and they can weight up to 14 grams.

They are often confused for the Indiana Brown Bat, but can be easily distinguished by the absence of a keel on the calcar and long-haired hind feet. They are nocturnal, use echolocation to hunt and navigate in the dark, and primarily eat insects, like mosquitoes.

Big Brown Bat

“Eptesicus fuscus

The Big Brown Bat is a member of the fuscus species, and most native to North America, the Caribbean, and even parts of Central America. As medium-sized bats, they grow up to 13 centimeters in length, and can weight up to 16 grams. Like the Little brown bat, they are also nocturnal, echolocating, and insectivorous.

They roost during the day, usually in hollow trees, and hunt for insects at night. They are known as a nuisance bat in some areas, commonly taking refuge in residential and commercial structures like sheds, attics, crawl spaces, and more.

Mexican Free-Tailed Bat

“Tadarida brasiliensis

The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is also commonly referred to as the Brazilian free-tailed bat. They are native to many parts of North America, but unfortunately experiencing population decline in California, making their preservation a growing concern. The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is a medium-sized bat that has much in common with the above-mentioned species.

They are nocturnal insectivores that use ultrasonic sounds called echolocation to navigate and hunt for insects at night. Growing up to 9 centimeters in length and up to 12 grams in weight, the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is a medium-sized species.

Bat Problems

If you are experiencing nuisance bat problems on your property, you require non-lethal bat exclusion and extraction services from a professional bat removal and control company. They use safe and humane methods to get rid of bats and prevent their return. But don’t just call any service, trust only an experienced wildlife rescue and control company in your town!

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis bat removal you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control contractors that specialize is safe, non-lethal bat exclusion and extraction services. Whether commercial or residential, we are fully-equipped to extract from any property. Call 317-535-4605 to learn more about getting rid of bats in Indianapolis, IN today.

Classification and Taxonomy of Bats

Did you know that bats are the only mammal capable of true flight? They are also one of the only mammals known to consume blood! Bats are fascinating creatures, and fun to learn about. They are found in regions spanning all across the globe, varying in looks, size, diet, navigational traits, and more. Bats are certainly worth a study or two, and can actually teach you a lot about animal understanding and tolerance.

For example, bats have been pushed out of their natural habitats and forced into urban areas due to human over-development; as a result, they are frequently regarded as pests, rodents, and nuisance animals.

But the truth is, bats are an essential part of our surrounding ecosystem, and they play an integral role in mosquito and insect control in our parks and backyards every night. If you are tuned-in and ready to learn about bats, you need to start with the basics. Continue reading to learn the classification and taxonomy of bats.

What are Bats?

Bats are classified by 9 categories in terms of taxonomy. In order from biggest to smallest, these categories include kingdom, phylum, subphylum, class, order, suborder, family, genera, and species. There are two suborders of bats, Microchiroptera Megachiroptera. There are 16 “families” of Microchiroptera bats, but only 1 family of megabats called Pteropodidae. The Pteropodidae includes Old World Fruit Bats and Flying Foxes. And even more interesting, there are 187 “genera” of bats, and over 950 species!

According to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), this is the taxonomy of bats is…

I. KINGDOM: Animalia

II. PHYLUM: Chordata

III. SUBPHYLUM: Vertebrata

IV. CLASS: Mammalia

V. ORDER: Chiroptera

VI. SUBORDER: Microchiroptera, Megachiroptera

VII. FAMILY: Noctilionidae, Pteropodidae, Antrozoidae, Vespertilionidae, Rhinopomatidae, Mystacinidae, Craseonycteridae, Molossidae, Emballonuridae, Nycteridae, Megadermatidae, Rhinolophidae, Mormoopidae, Phyllostomidae, Natalidae, Furipteridae, Thyropteridae, Myzopodidae

VIII. GENERA: 187 is too many! Click here for a complete list.

IX. SPECIES: Over 950! Click here for a list.

Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control

Call 317-535-4605 for affordable and safe bat removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and insured bat removal and control technicians with over 30 years of experience in the bat control industry. We offer bat removal, prevention, exclusion, proofing, structural damage repairs, attic restorations, inspections, free estimates, discounts, and more! Call 317-535-4605 to get started toward a bat-free future, today.

Learn How Bats Navigate the Dark

Whoever said bats were blind is wrong. Bats are far from blindness! In fact, megabats, like the fruit bat, can see quite well, and have broaden optical visual centers that allow them to navigate during dusk and dawn hours. Microbats, on the other hand, can still see just fine, but do not have the acute vision of their relatives the megabat. For this reason, microbats use different methods for hunting and navigation. Let’s discuss the differences between the two species and how they navigate in the dark, or the day!


Megachiroptera, or megabats, are the larger species of bat between the two main species. They are thought to originate from the same ancestor, but somehow evolved separately. Megabats are larger, with pronounced optical centers and an acute sense of smell. This is how they navigate through the daytime, as megabats are not always nocturnal. This is also how they locate and hunt their food. Megabats eat fruit, nectar, pollen, and some small prey, like birds and fish. Certain species of megabat, like Flying Foxes, can also see in color! On the other hand, they sometimes have trouble navigating on moonless nights because they rely on some light to see. Microbats do not have this problem so much because they use a separate method to nighttime navigation.


Microchiroptera, or microbats, do not have prominent visual centers that give them the equal visual ability as their cousins, the megabat. Instead, microbats are small, and have poorly developed eyes. In the past, scientists thought microbats only retained rods in the photoreceptors of their retinas, which are used for nighttime vision; but recent studies conclude that microbats also retain cones, for daylight and color vision, but these cones are just not as developed as they are in other mammals. For this reason, microbats use a method called echolocation to navigate in the dark, even though they can see okay during the day.

Echolocation is like a sonar system for bats. As they fly, they emit small beeps that bounce off their nearby surroundings and listen for the beeps to return back to them. This creates a mental grid of their surroundings and allows them to better hunt for food and prey. Microbats eat insects for the most part, but some are known to also drink blood from other animals, like the Vampire Bat. Aside from echolocation, microbats use their regular vision to travel long distances as well.

Bat Removal Indiana

Call Bat Removal Indiana at 317-535-4605 to get rid of bats in Indianapolis and its surrounding areas. We are DNR licensed and experienced animal removal contractors that use safe and humane methods to extract bats from residential and commercial properties, and apply proven strategies to prevent their return. Call 317-535-4605 for more information about bat removal and control in Indianapolis, IN today.

Does Histoplasmosis Come From Bat Guano?

Bats can be helpful creatures, eating thousands of insects each night and contributing to the balance of our Eco-system. The problem is that bats can carry diseases and spread them through infestation and bat droppings, a concern commonly over-looked. If you have recently had a bat infestation, or have bats near your property, be sure to take note on the following information to understand the danger associated with being exposed to bat droppings and bat guano.

Bat Guano

Bat guano refers to the solid components within bat droppings; more specifically, bat feces. Guano is actually a widely-utilized natural resource used in villages and tribes all over the world for weapon crafting, building homes, fertilizer, and more. Bat guano is found in areas that bat colonies have nested, such as caves, dens, under bridges, attics, crawl spaces, and anywhere else bats reside.


Histoplasmosis is referred to by many names, such as: Spelunker’s Lung, Cave Disease, Darling’s Disease, or scientifically, Reticuloendotheliosis. It is an infectious disease that is contracted by over exposure to bat guano. There is a fungus that grows in guano called Histoplasmosis Capsulatum. The inhalation of these spores within the guano causes flu-like symptoms, like coughing and difficulty breathing. It is not a contagious infection but can be easily contracted if precaution is not taken.

Those at Risk

Anyone, child or adult, can contract Histoplasmosis. It is rare for just anyone to get the disease because the fungus is only found in dark, warm areas that bat guano is found. So the more common people to fall victim to the illness are spelunkers, chimney cleaners, cave miners, and people that frequent attics and crawl spaces often. Because they work in areas that bats may dwell in, they are at risk to inhaling the infection causing spores and falling ill.

It is not typically fatal unless a person has severe and long term health complications, such as the elderly. Otherwise, if treated at the first signs of illness, it is no more dangerous than the common cold. In fact, in most cases, it just goes away on its own.

Bat Removal Indiana

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional bat removal and control in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed and certified wildlife control contractors that provide a wide range of bat removal and control services for residential and commercial properties. From bats in the attic and bat exclusion, to bat cleanup and minor attic restorations, our professional wildlife contractors are fully-equipped to manage your bat problem! Call 317-535-4605 for a free estimate and information about our bat removal services in Indianapolis, IN.

What is the Off-Season for a Bat?

When the weather is cold and the snow begins to fall, bats and other mammals hideaway, making winter their off-season. In fact, the peak demand for bat exclusion among residential and commercial properties is in October, November, and December, when weather is still mild, but cold enough for bats to go looking for shelter. So what happens to bats in their off-season? What kind of activity do they display? Where do they go? Continue reading for answers to these questions and more!

Hibernation or Migration

By the time bat exclusion season ends, bat off-season starts up. Once the weather gets too cold for bats, they start to look for dens, caves, and shelter; which unfortunately and often times includes our attics, crawl spaces, garages, walls, and more. If bats have not found this shelter by the time the harsh winter climates start to take over, they migrate south, following the bugs and warmer weather. For bats that find shelter, they hibernate through the winter season until spring. It is fascinating how some species of bat decide to remain and hibernate, while others prefer to travel south for warm sun and insects!

Once bats come out their 6 month-long torpor, the males are ready to mate. And with a gestation period of only 65 days, bats have their litters in the early summer. A female bat can have up to three litters per breeding season, but often times only gives birth to one single pup at a time. Just at the start of fall, their bat pups through nursing on their mother and grown enough to leave the nest and venture out to forage, feed, and prepare for winter.

Although winter is the off-season for bats, they can still be inside our properties causing damage. If you suspect you have bats in the attic, or in some other area of your home, contact a local Indianapolis bat removal company for professional and prompt assistance.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call 317-535-4605 for fast and affordable bat removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and trained bat exclusionists with decades of experience in the bat control industry. We provide residential and commercial services, as well as, free estimates, DIY advice, and more! Call 317-535-4605 and speak with a licensed bat removal contractor about how to get rid of bats in Indianapolis, IN today.

Can I Catch and Keep Wild Bats in Indiana?

There are several questions surrounding wild animal domestication in Indiana; many of which regard bats. Is it illegal to catch a wild bat and keep it as a pet? The short answer to this question is yes, it is illegal. Continue reading to learn why.

Wild Animal Domestication and Indiana Hunting Laws

When it comes to hunting or catching anything in the wild, a person must be issued a permit or license from the county or state in which they live. Depending on the animal or hobby, a license may be require or a simple permit instead. For example, to legally fish in Indiana one requires a fishing permit; whereas bird hunting and similar activities often times requires a hunting license from the state. These permits and licenses all come with a fee or annual membership of some kind. All of this is different when it comes to catching and domesticating bats. In Indiana, bats are actually a protected species. In fact, the Indiana bat is thought to be endangered. It is illegal to catch, kill, trap, or harm an Indiana bat unless you are a licensed animal control technician that is licensed through the state.

This is why it is crucial to contact your local animal control company for help with wild bats. If you have bats in your house, or if they are becoming a nuisance on your property, never attempt to catch or trap a bat on your own. Contact a licensed bat removal company for professional assistance. They are permitted by the state to catch and extract bats from residential or commercial properties. They retain the proper equipment, training, knowledge, and resources to safely and humanely extract bats or bat problems.

Bats are useful and highly advantageous to our eco-system and surrounding environment. They are misunderstood creatures that are actually intelligent and quite fascinating. They are excellent bug and mosquito control, and the only mammal capable of true flight! Don’t sweat it next time you see a bat; instead, take a moment to appreciate their valuable qualities. And then call an Indianapolis Bat Removal company for affordable bat control services.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call 317-535-4605 for professional and DNR licensed bat removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified bat removal and control specialists with decades of experience in the industry. We provide a wide-range of bat control services; such as cleanups, minor restorations, prevention, DIY advice, and more. Call 317-535-4605 to learn more about bat removal and control in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.

Can I Have a Pet Bat?

Exotic pet ownership is growing in popularity these days. Many pet owners are going as far as they can, pushing limits in the animal domestication industry. Large cats, wolves, and even bears are some of the most extreme animals people have attempted to domesticate within their best abilities. In many cases, tragic accidents and several close calls occur with animals of these sizes. At the other end of exotic pet ownership, there are smaller and less aggressive woodland and forest species that people are taking interest in; such as raccoons, skunks, squirrels, and even potbelly pigs. Many states allow the domestication of certain exotic animals; but when it comes to bats, the law is not flexible in most cases.

For people who have inquired about pet bats or bat ownership, they have most likely discovered that it is illegal without proper professional rehabilitation licensing. Only licensed and legitimate organizations with proper state and local permitting can legally house and raise bats for the sole purpose of environmental maintenance and rehabilitation. Continue reading to learn why it is not recommended to take a bat as a pet, and why pet bats are illegal and frowned upon in the United States.

Bats are a Protected Species

There are over 2,000 species of bat found all across the globe; all of which are protected by law on various levels. There are laws that regulate bat hunting, trapping, and extracting from their natural habitat or wild; as well as, laws that prohibit breeding, and/or the exchange of bats between people or organizations. This means no one can legally breed, sell, capture, or keep wild bats unless they are licensed professionals with special permits to do so. It is also illegal to transport bats unless they are being relocated to a valid scientific organization, zoo, or wildlife sanctuary. To be transported in the United States, one must have a CDC permit.

There are several reasons why bats are protected and why it is illegal to own a bat. For one, bats are fascinating and special mammals. In fact, they are the only mammal capable of true flight! They are not fit for domestication and can suffer from being caged or trapped. Although bats generally live up to 25 years in the wild, they only average about one year of life in domestication under improper circumstances. Bats require long flight times and the ability to hunt and breed their young. Keeping them from this right and as a pet illegally can be seen as animal cruelty. Also, wild bats can carry diseases that can be fatal or severely harmful to humans and pets. If you ever see a dead or injured bat, never touch it or attempt to pick it up; instead, call your local bat removal and control company for assistance.

Bat Removal Indianapolis

Call Bat Removal Indianapolis at 317-535-4605 for superior bat control services in Indiana. We are highly trained and DNR licensed animal control technicians that specialize in bat removal services. We can remove bats safely and humanely, and prevent them from retuning to your home or office. Our experienced and knowledgeable bat removal specialists provide a long list of services; such as bat cleanup, attic restoration and repair, bat-proofing, inspections, emergency services, free estimates, consultations, and much more. Visit our webpage at https://www.batremovalindianapolis.com for details about our services and company background. If you need bat removal in Indianapolis, IN, call 317-535-4605 right away!

Always Call a Professional to Get Rid of Bats

Bats can certainly be nuisance animals when they start using our properties as their own shelters. They can cause a significant amount of structural damage to attic interiors, insulation, ceilings, floor boards, roofs, plywood, sheet-rock, particle board, and much more. Although they are fantastic insect control at night, we do not want them anywhere near our homes. When it comes to removing bats from a house or property, always call a professional. If you are confident that you can handle your bat infestation problem on your own, continue reading to learn why that can be a dangerous idea.

Get Professional Bat Removal

It is always recommended to hire a professional bat exclusionist or bat control company for safe and humane bat removal. In some states, bats are a protected species, and it is illegal to kill or harm them in any way. Using a professional avoids making a mistake that can turn into a hefty fine. Bats are great assets to our surrounding environment and should be respected and never harmed, trapped, or killed. Instead, a professional bat exclusionist can come and take care of the problem for you in a safe and humane way. Not only can a professionally licensed bat control and removal company extract bats from within your home, they can also bat-proof your property and provide restoration and repair services for any bat damages that occurred. More reasons to hire a professional bat removal technician for a bat infestation issue.

Another reason to never try and remove bats on your own is disease. Bats are known to carry infectious diseases and illness; such as rabies, salmonella, Leptospirosis, Histoplasmosis, bat mites, lice, and more. One bite can spread a disease into your blood stream and cause serious illness. A bat is known to attack if it is threatened also. If a person does not understand how to approach a bat problem, they are liable to get injured or bitten. Professional companies retain the proper equipment, tools, and training to remove bats safely, and without causing further damage to a property.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call Indianapolis Bat Removal at 317-535-4605 for professional bat removal and control services in Indiana. We are DNR licensed and insured bat exclusion specialist with more than 20 years of experience in the animal control and removal industry. Visit our website at https://www.batremovalindianapolis.com for details about our services and company credentials. Never try to remove bats on your own; call us for affordable and reliable bat removal! Just dial 317-535-4605 for a free estimate or information about our bat removal services in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.