Myths About North American Bats

There are many myths and false stereotypes about bats in North America, and even all across the world. Here in this blog, we’ll explore a few of those urban legends and clear up the misunderstandings surrounding these highly important and fascinating mammals.

Common Bat Myths

One common myth is that all bats carry the Rabies virus and infect millions of people around the continent every year. This is far from the truth. The reality is that fewer than 10 people in the last 50 years have been infected with Rabies as a result of a bat bite. Bats typically avoid people, and rarely attack unless cornered or provoked. If you are ever bitten by a bat, all you need to do is consult a doctor and you’ll be just fine.

Another bat urban legend is that some bat species consume blood, namely human blood. This urban legend is not entirely false, just embellished a bit. It is called a vampire bat. They do not actually suck blood, but rather, initiate a bite to a large warm-blooded animal, and then lick up the seeping blood. It is usually cattle that are the common hosts for Vampire bats. They do not bite or consume human blood.

Another common myth concerning bats is that all bats are blind. This is also not true. The misconception comes from the fact that Microbats use echolocation to hunt for insects and food at night. All bats actually see quite well during the day, it’s just that they mostly remain active at night, where they do not count on their eyesight to get around.

Have you ever heard that bats have hundreds of litters of bat babies? Well hopefully not, because this is not the truth. Bats are mammals and have a gestation period of about six months. Once they give birth, it is to usually one bat pup, and in rare cases, it may birth twins. It takes a long time for an entire bat colony to grow. Once bats are grown enough to withstand predators and fly on their own, they can live to almost 30 years!

Many also believe that bat droppings are poisonous. There are some special circumstances to this myth, but for the most part, it is untrue. Bat droppings are referred to as “guano”. Guano is a huge resource for many villages and tribes around the world. People craft household necessities from guano and use it for fertilizer as well. There are many uses for bat guano. However, bat guano can be harmful to ones health if it is digested or inhaled during a sporing stage. This is when fungus species begin to grow on the guano. Around large amounts of guano, people are encouraged to wear face respirators to avoid inhaling the fungus that can cause Histoplasmosis.

The Truth About Bats

Between movies, television, Halloween, and childhood stories, bats have been given an unfair stereotype. They are actually fascinating mammals with a sophisticated system for hunting and flying at night. They breed their young as humans do, having one pup a year; and they have incredible survival skills! They will not fly into your hair or suck your cat’s blood. They are trusting creatures that deserve respect and peace. If they are a nuisance to your property, use a local bat removal service to have them safely excluded.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional Indianapolis bat removal and control services. We provide safe and humane bat removal for commercial and residential properties throughout Central Indiana. Trust us to remove bats and prevent their return, all at an affordable price. We are DNR licensed and insured wildlife control contractors with more than 20 years of experience working with nuisance bats. Call 317-535-4605 to get rid of bats in Indianapolis, IN today.

3 Reasons You Might Spot a Bat During the Daytime

Bats are fascinating mammals, in part because they are the only mammals capable of true flight. They are also highly beneficial to our surrounding Eco-systems and provide us hidden advantages many are unaware of; like how they consume more than three times their body weight in insects each night, controlling insect populations and reducing pesky bugs at our backyard barbeques.

Bats are nocturnal, which means they are active after dusk and up until dawn. During this time they are hunting for food and sometimes searching for areas to roost. But just because an animal is nocturnal does not mean we will never see them out and about during the day. There are several reasons why you might spot a bat during the daylight hours, but three primary reasons are generally to blame. Continue reading to learn why a bat could be outside during the daytime, and what to do if you come across a wild bat at any time of day or night.

Illness and Injury

One of the most common reasons why a bat or other nocturnal mammal is out in the open during daytime is due to illness or injury. A sick bat can often times leave their roost, or get confused and lost. They can also lose the ability to fly to return to their roost. The same applies to injury. An injured bat may not be able to fly home, leaving them stranded where they lie. One common illness bats are known carriers of is the Rabies Virus. In developed stages, rabies can cause confusion, erratic behavior, disorientation, and more, which can explain why a bat is active or out during the day. But keep in mind that just because a bat is out during the day does not always mean it is sick or hurt.

Lost From Mother

Another common reason for bats to be found in the daytime is because they have been stranded or separated from their mother and colony. A baby bat will simply lie in waiting until their mother finds and retrieves them, but risks being dinner to a larger predator come nightfall. Sometimes, baby bats fall from their roost high up in a tree, leaving them not only injured but marooned from their mother.

Extreme Summer Temperatures

If a bat colony is roosting somewhere that reaches extreme temperatures on exceptionally hot days, they are known to creep out of their shelter for some cool breeze and relief. One example is a tile roof, especially if the tiles are a darker color like blue or black. Roof tiles can reach temperatures of 150 degrees or more on hot summer days, and if bats are roosting in nearby soffits or attics, they may overheat, causing them to seek relief outdoors. This is a rare situation, but one that does occur.

What To Do

If you spot a bat in the day time, never attempt to approach, touch, trap, harm, or kill it under any circumstances. In fact, this is illegal in most states. It is encouraged to look, watch, and appreciate from afar while letting a wild animal be wild. If you find a sick, injured, or orphaned bat, call a wildlife rescue company right away for safe and humane assistance. They retain the proper licensing, training, and resources to exclude bats and relocate them to a safe and faraway habitat.

Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control

Call 317-535-4605 for professional Indianapolis bat removal and control services you can afford. We are highly trained and experienced, DNR licensed wildlife rescue contractors that provide non-lethal bat removal services for residential and commercial properties. We also offer bat removal, control, inspections, proofing, prevention, cleanup, and minor attic restoration for bat damages. Call 317-535-4605 to get the best rates for bat removal in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding areas.

Can I Keep a Wild Bat as a Pet?

With so many pets to choose from these days, more and more people are keener to the idea of exotic pet ownership. But what about making wild animals pets? If you were to find a baby bat in the wild, would you keep it as a pet? Could you keep it as a pet? There are many aspects to consider when making the decision to domesticate a wild animal. Continue reading to learn about bats as pets, and what you should do if you find a bat on your property.

Pet Bats

It is common to have a pet dog or cat, or bird, or lizard, or hamsters, bunnies, and even horses. But nowadays, some people are pushing the limits when it comes to animal pet domestication. There are many who choose to tame certain wild animals that do not belong in domestication. There have been numerous reports of people attempting to tame nontraditional animals as pets and later being injured or attacked after they reach sexual maturity. And if attacks and injuries are not the problem, destruction and mess will be. Common popular exotic pets include raccoons, pigs, monkeys, and even bats.

If you find a baby bat, injured bat, or a bat in the house, it is strongly recommended to contact a local wildlife rescue and control company for professional assistance. Never attempt to touch, trap, catch, or kill a wild bat. This means it is not a good idea to keep them as a pet either. Bats are highly advantageous to our surrounding Eco-systems, as they control the mosquito populations and help pollinate plants and trees. But they are dangerous to humans and pets, and are not meant to be domesticated in any way.

The only person that should be taking in wild bats is a licensed professional or rehabilitation farm. Not only are bats destructive and have the potential to carry highly infectious and life-threatening diseases, they are healthier and happier in the wild. No home or man-made habitat could ever truly replace the freedom and opportunity they have in nature. If you find a bat in the attic, or a baby bat injured outside, contact a bat removal and control company for safe and humane exclusion services. They retain the proper tools, training, and licensing to remove bats and relocate them to a safe and faraway habitat.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call 317-535-4605 to get rid of bats in the attic in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed wildlife rescue contractors that have decades of experience in the bat control industry. We only use safe and humane methods and never kill bats. We offer residential and commercial bat removal services at the most competitive prices in town. Call 317-535-4605 for fast and friendly bat removal and control services in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.

Bat Repellant Options and Alternatives

Bats should never be harmed, trapped, or killed under any circumstances unless by licensed wildlife contractors and professionals. Fortunately there are bat repellant options, alternatives, and methods that are humane, easy to use, and highly beneficial to property owners. Continue reading to learn the most effective ways to repel bats in residential, commercial, and urban areas.

Electronic Bat Repellants

There are new devices available on the market that use sound frequencies, ultrasonic technology, volume-enhanced noises, and more to repel bats away from properties. They are specially manufactured to recreate sound waves, noises, and frequencies, silent to human ears, to prohibit bats from becoming accustomed to a particular sound. The constantly-changing noises and waves affect a bats behavior, communication capabilities, sleep cycles, and flying habits, keeping them far away. These devices can provide a range up to 5,000 feet! Larger properties or areas might require more than one device, depending on the number of animals to repel and the square footage of the area. It takes nearly 4 weeks to thoroughly observe bat behaviors to properly assess the levels and frequencies needed.

Bat Repellant Sprays and Gels

Just like ordinary store-bought pesticides, there are products on the market that are specially manufactured to repel bats. These products come in both spray form and gels. Either in a 10 ounce spray bottle or a caulking tube, these chemical or natural-based repellents are easy to find and affordable to buy. They essentially let off a taste and smell that bats are sensitive to and despise. This only keeps them at bay for a while, and requires reapplications each month during bat season.

Natural Bat Repellants

Natural methods can also be used to repel bats. Sound machines, bright lights, cinnamon, human hair, coyote urine, green tea, peppermint, and more are popular natural remedies that keep bats away. Bats find these tastes, smells, and other ambiences obnoxious and irritating to their senses. For bats in the attic of other indoor area of a property, mix together water and the above herbs and ingredients and place into a spray bottle. Spray this homemade solution all over the attic perimeter or area to get rid of bats naturally.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call Indianapolis Bat Removal at 317-535-4605 to get rid of bats in the attic or around your property. We are DNR licensed bat control contractors that provide a wide range of services for both residential and commercial properties. We only use safe and humane methods to extract bats and prevent their return, and offer the most competitive prices in town. Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional bat removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana today.

What is the Off-Season for a Bat?

When the weather is cold and the snow begins to fall, bats and other mammals hideaway, making winter their off-season. In fact, the peak demand for bat exclusion among residential and commercial properties is in October, November, and December, when weather is still mild, but cold enough for bats to go looking for shelter. So what happens to bats in their off-season? What kind of activity do they display? Where do they go? Continue reading for answers to these questions and more!

Hibernation or Migration

By the time bat exclusion season ends, bat off-season starts up. Once the weather gets too cold for bats, they start to look for dens, caves, and shelter; which unfortunately and often times includes our attics, crawl spaces, garages, walls, and more. If bats have not found this shelter by the time the harsh winter climates start to take over, they migrate south, following the bugs and warmer weather. For bats that find shelter, they hibernate through the winter season until spring. It is fascinating how some species of bat decide to remain and hibernate, while others prefer to travel south for warm sun and insects!

Once bats come out their 6 month-long torpor, the males are ready to mate. And with a gestation period of only 65 days, bats have their litters in the early summer. A female bat can have up to three litters per breeding season, but often times only gives birth to one single pup at a time. Just at the start of fall, their bat pups through nursing on their mother and grown enough to leave the nest and venture out to forage, feed, and prepare for winter.

Although winter is the off-season for bats, they can still be inside our properties causing damage. If you suspect you have bats in the attic, or in some other area of your home, contact a local Indianapolis bat removal company for professional and prompt assistance.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call 317-535-4605 for fast and affordable bat removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR licensed and trained bat exclusionists with decades of experience in the bat control industry. We provide residential and commercial services, as well as, free estimates, DIY advice, and more! Call 317-535-4605 and speak with a licensed bat removal contractor about how to get rid of bats in Indianapolis, IN today.

Managing Bat Roosts and Infestations

There are thousands of bat species found all over the country, and all throughout the entire world. They are all very similar, but possess unique and characteristic abilities and qualities that are fun to learn about. Most bat species are either rare or endangered, or both; which means that American home and property owners are not likely to spot many of them. The most prevalent bat species in the United States include the Big Brown Bat, the Little Brown Bat, and surprisingly enough, the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat. These are the most common domestic bats found in America. Although bats are wonderful creatures and significant parts of the Eco-system, they can become household nuisances very quickly. In this case, it is important to learn how to “combat” bat problems in and around your property. Continue reading to learn more about getting rid of bats, and bat-proofing methods that truly work.

Bat Removal and Control

Bats that choose to roost in commercial or residential buildings are generally problematic. Bat infestations, at any level, can cause problems and costly structural damages. It is important to get rid of bats as soon as possible. Once you are aware they are on your property, or inside your home, contact an Indianapolis bat removal service for professional and safe assistance. No one should ever kill, trap, or harm bats. They are vital parts of our Eco-system and should always be managed by a licensed professional. Be sure the company of your choice practices safe and humane bat removal and control.

Bat Proofing Recommendations

When it comes to bat-proofing your property, consistency is key. Year-round maintenance and inspection is a large part of preventing bat intrusions and infestations. First, have a professional general contractor inspect your home or property for weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Bats gain access into homes and buildings through vulnerabilities like loose roof shingles, holes in siding, broken garage doors, gutters, cracks, crevices, and more. Repairing and sealing these areas can reduce the chances of a bat, or bats, sneaking into your premises.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call Bat Removal Indiana at 317-535-4605 for licensed Indianapolis bat removal and control services. We are DNR licensed and insured bat exclusionists with decades of experience in the bat removal industry. We use safe and humane methods to get rid of bats in commercial and residential properties. We also provide bat cleanup services, emergency services, preventative maintenance, and more. Call 317-535-4605 for prompt and professional bat removal services in Indianapolis, IN today.

Can I Catch and Keep Wild Bats in Indiana?

There are several questions surrounding wild animal domestication in Indiana; many of which regard bats. Is it illegal to catch a wild bat and keep it as a pet? The short answer to this question is yes, it is illegal. Continue reading to learn why.

Wild Animal Domestication and Indiana Hunting Laws

When it comes to hunting or catching anything in the wild, a person must be issued a permit or license from the county or state in which they live. Depending on the animal or hobby, a license may be require or a simple permit instead. For example, to legally fish in Indiana one requires a fishing permit; whereas bird hunting and similar activities often times requires a hunting license from the state. These permits and licenses all come with a fee or annual membership of some kind. All of this is different when it comes to catching and domesticating bats. In Indiana, bats are actually a protected species. In fact, the Indiana bat is thought to be endangered. It is illegal to catch, kill, trap, or harm an Indiana bat unless you are a licensed animal control technician that is licensed through the state.

This is why it is crucial to contact your local animal control company for help with wild bats. If you have bats in your house, or if they are becoming a nuisance on your property, never attempt to catch or trap a bat on your own. Contact a licensed bat removal company for professional assistance. They are permitted by the state to catch and extract bats from residential or commercial properties. They retain the proper equipment, training, knowledge, and resources to safely and humanely extract bats or bat problems.

Bats are useful and highly advantageous to our eco-system and surrounding environment. They are misunderstood creatures that are actually intelligent and quite fascinating. They are excellent bug and mosquito control, and the only mammal capable of true flight! Don’t sweat it next time you see a bat; instead, take a moment to appreciate their valuable qualities. And then call an Indianapolis Bat Removal company for affordable bat control services.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call 317-535-4605 for professional and DNR licensed bat removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified bat removal and control specialists with decades of experience in the industry. We provide a wide-range of bat control services; such as cleanups, minor restorations, prevention, DIY advice, and more. Call 317-535-4605 to learn more about bat removal and control in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.

How Do Mother Bats Find their Baby Bats in the Dark?

When it comes to explaining how mother bats find and locate their young in the dark, in of a colony of hundreds of baby bats, we must first discuss the process of echolocation. Echolocation is a sonar system that nocturnal bats use to locate prey and their young. It is a process of emitting high-frequency sounds that bounce off nearby objects and echo back to the bat. It allows them to visualize a defined grid that they use as a map to guide them around.

On top of echolocation, both chief species of bat have moderate sight capabilities, even in daylight, enabling them to hunt and locate more food and prey. To learn more about mother bats and how they breed and care for their young, continue reading and educate yourself on some fascinating bat facts!

Mother Bats and their Young

Not only can mother bats locate their young in a colony of a thousand bats using echolocation, they can rely on their senses as well. Female nursing bats will remember the pheromones and distinct smell of each individual offspring. It is quite fascinating how nursing bats can accomplish this feat using only smell, moderate vision, and sonar!

When it comes to bats and sight, both species are capable of daytime vision. Megabats, or Megachiroptera, have big eyes and predominant visual centers allowing them to see well during the day. Although nocturnal, mega-bats find it helpful and convenient to hunt for fish, insects, small birds, and other prey in the daytime hours. Their options are much more plentiful and abundant during these times. Some subspecies of Megachiroptera can even see in color during the day, helping them avoid potential predators and search for nectar.

Microchiroptera, or micro-bats, typically eat insects and mosquitoes which are plentiful in the dusk and nighttime hours. This is why they predominantly use echolocation to find their way around. Although sonar is their chief system of navigation, microbats use their mediocre sight to get around at dusk or in the day.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

If you have a bat infestation in your home or property, call Indianapolis Bat Removal at 317-535-4605 today. We are highly trained and DNR licensed bat removal and control specialist with more than 25 years of experience! Get free estimates, consultations, DIY advice, discounts, and more when you call Indianapolis Bat Removal! Contact Us to get rid of bats for good! Call 317-535-4605 for professional bat removal services in Indianapolis, IN.

Always Call a Professional to Get Rid of Bats

Bats can certainly be nuisance animals when they start using our properties as their own shelters. They can cause a significant amount of structural damage to attic interiors, insulation, ceilings, floor boards, roofs, plywood, sheet-rock, particle board, and much more. Although they are fantastic insect control at night, we do not want them anywhere near our homes. When it comes to removing bats from a house or property, always call a professional. If you are confident that you can handle your bat infestation problem on your own, continue reading to learn why that can be a dangerous idea.

Get Professional Bat Removal

It is always recommended to hire a professional bat exclusionist or bat control company for safe and humane bat removal. In some states, bats are a protected species, and it is illegal to kill or harm them in any way. Using a professional avoids making a mistake that can turn into a hefty fine. Bats are great assets to our surrounding environment and should be respected and never harmed, trapped, or killed. Instead, a professional bat exclusionist can come and take care of the problem for you in a safe and humane way. Not only can a professionally licensed bat control and removal company extract bats from within your home, they can also bat-proof your property and provide restoration and repair services for any bat damages that occurred. More reasons to hire a professional bat removal technician for a bat infestation issue.

Another reason to never try and remove bats on your own is disease. Bats are known to carry infectious diseases and illness; such as rabies, salmonella, Leptospirosis, Histoplasmosis, bat mites, lice, and more. One bite can spread a disease into your blood stream and cause serious illness. A bat is known to attack if it is threatened also. If a person does not understand how to approach a bat problem, they are liable to get injured or bitten. Professional companies retain the proper equipment, tools, and training to remove bats safely, and without causing further damage to a property.

Indianapolis Bat Removal

Call Indianapolis Bat Removal at 317-535-4605 for professional bat removal and control services in Indiana. We are DNR licensed and insured bat exclusion specialist with more than 20 years of experience in the animal control and removal industry. Visit our website at for details about our services and company credentials. Never try to remove bats on your own; call us for affordable and reliable bat removal! Just dial 317-535-4605 for a free estimate or information about our bat removal services in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.