Having a bat infestation in your house is dangerous for a number of reasons. Bats can carry rabies, and their droppings can contain harmful bacteria. In addition, bats may damage your property as they try to get into the building. If you have a bat infestation, it is important to take steps to remove them as soon as possible.
Continue below to learn the top reasons why bats are so dangerous, and why you should have them removed as soon as possible.
What are Bat Infestations Dangerous?
Bats Can Carry Rabies
Bats can carry rabies, which is a deadly disease. If you are bitten or scratched by a bat, you should go to the hospital immediately. Rabies can be prevented if it is treated early, but if left untreated, it is fatal. Rabies can be transmitted to humans through contact with the saliva of a rabid animal, such as a bat. To protect yourself and others, it is best to stay away from any wild animals that may carry rabies.
Additionally, bats should never be kept as pets or allowed in the home. Doing so puts both you and the bat at risk for rabies, as well as other diseases that can be spread through contact with bat saliva or feces. If you discover a bat in your home, it should not be touched and should be removed by a professional wildlife removal service.
Bats Can Spread Other Diseases
Bats can also spread other diseases besides rabies, such as histoplasmosis. Histoplasmosis is a serious lung infection that can be fatal if not treated. It is caused by a fungus that is found in the droppings of bats and other birds. To protect yourself from histoplasmosis, it is important to avoid contact with bat droppings and to wear a mask when cleaning up droppings.
Other diseases that can be spread by bats include meningitis, encephalitis, and SARS. All of these diseases are serious and can be deadly if not treated. It is important to take precautions to avoid exposure to bat saliva and feces, especially if you are pregnant or have a weakened immune system.
Bats Can Cause Extensive Damage to Your Home
Bats can cause extensive damage to your home. They often roost in attics, where they can chew through insulation, wiring, and roofing materials. They can also contaminate the attic with their droppings, which can cause respiratory problems in humans. If you have bats in your home, it is important to have them removed by a professional wildlife removal service. This will help ensure that all damage is repaired, and any health risks are minimized.
Bat Guano (Droppings) is Toxic and Can Contaminate Your Home
The dangers of bat droppings in your home are many. As mentioned, bat droppings can contain histoplasmosis, a lung infection caused by a fungus found in bat droppings and bird droppings. The infection can cause fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing. It can also cause enlargement of the liver and spleen, and death.
In addition, bat droppings can contain rabies. Rabies is a deadly virus that affects the brain and nervous system. It is often transmitted through the bite of an infected animal, but it can also be transmitted through contact with the saliva or blood of an infected animal. Once symptoms develop, it is almost always fatal.
If you find bat droppings in your home, be sure to take precautions to avoid exposure to the droppings and the organisms they may contain. Wear gloves and a dust mask when cleaning up the droppings, and immediately clean up any spills. Disinfect any surfaces that may have been contaminated. If you think you may have been exposed to rabies or another infection, seek medical attention right away.
If you have bats in your home, take immediate action. Contact Bat Removal Indiana at 317-535-4605 for licensed and insured bat removal services in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. We serve both residential and commercial clients.
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