How to Exclude Bats in the Attic

Bats are unfortunately not solitary animals. So when it comes to having bats in the attic, there is hardly ever just one or two. In most cases of a bat infestation, there are handfuls of bats, and in serious cases, hundreds or more! They cause excessive damage with their urine, guano, and chewing habits. Everything from attic insulation and floorboards, to drywall, ceilings, and electrical wiring, become saturated by foul-smelling bat droppings. These are costly and time-consuming repairs that can be avoided with proper bat control and exclusion.

Continue reading to learn the general process for excluding bats in the attic, and who to trust for emergency Indianapolis bat removal at an affordable price.

Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Do-It-Yourself Bat Abatement

Excluding bats means to keep them away from your property. The first step of bat control is something you can do on your own without a professional. Simply remove any outdoor attractions that bats enjoy. This includes water sources like bird baths and pet bowls. It may also include trimming thick bushes and trees that provide bats safety from birds of prey.

Professional Bat Removal and Control Service

Once you have done your duty as a homeowner to prevent attracting bats to your property, it is time to pass the baton onto a licensed wildlife control expert. They will start by inspecting the exterior of your home for openings, vulnerabilities, and possible entry points for bats. This inspection will show the bat control contractor where bats may have entered, or could possibly enter in the future.

It helps to know which species of bat is most problematic in your area, since the species will affect the process of bat exclusion. A bat control contractor will already know this information if you do not. Bats can fit through openings as small as a half of an inch. These are the types of openings and gaps professional contractors will look for.

Once found, they will recommend solutions for any exterior vulnerabilities, or provide an estimate for them to do it themselves. Not all bat control companies offer restoration or bat control services. Many are simply bat removal specialists. Be sure to choose a licensed company that has the resources to meet your wildlife control needs.

Are you ready to get rid of bats in the attic? Contact us at 317-257-2290 for certified Indianapolis Indiana bat removal services at an affordable price. We also provide attic cleanup and restoration for bat damages.

You Might Also Read:

Why are Bats Dangerous?
The 3 Species of Nuisance Bat in Indiana
Here’s Why You Have a Bat Problem on Your Property

Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605
Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605

Top Warning Signs of a Bat Infestation

Bats are tiny, so tiny, they can squeeze through an opening as small as 3/8th of an inch. That is similar to the width of a nickel! Common access points for bats include loose roof shingles, rotted siding, crumbling mortar, torn screens, damaged weatherproofing, thin layers of insulation, cracks in foundation, broken skylights, missing chimney caps, and similar structural vulnerabilities. All of this means that bats can easily find a way into our homes and structures if entry points like this exist. If you are concerned that you might have bats in the attic, or a bat in the house, it is important that you confirm it and resolve it as soon as possible.

Continue reading to learn the common signs to look for as you inspect your property, and how to get rid of bats safely.

Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Bat Removal and Control 317-535-4605

Bat Control is Important for Protecting Your Home and Loved Ones

It is important to consult with a licensed and insured Indianapolis bat control company to have your home inspected for possible structural vulnerabilities, as well as any contributing environmental factors that might attract nuisance wildlife to your home. Not only can a wildlife removal and control team abate nuisance wildlife, but they can also protect your property from animal damages and threats.

In the meantime, here are the top signs to look for during your inspection:

Bat Droppings

One of the most common signs of bat activity around the house is bat guano. Bat droppings are often confused for rodent droppings, but if you find them around windowsills, door ledges, or in insulation, you can safely assume it belongs to bats.

Grease and Oil Stains

Bat fur retains a natural oil that can leave behind dark stains around the edges of their entry points. If you find holes or openings with oil-like stains around the borders, it could be a bat opening. Look for these stains on window frames, door frames, walls, siding, cement, concrete, wood, and rafters.

Strange Sounds

When bats are around and awake, you can hear them. Typical bat sounds include chirping, chattering, squeaking, squealing, fluttering, and bustling. These are commonly heard through walls or in the ceiling, but can also be heard from outside.

Foul Odors

When bats occupy an interior area of a home for too long, their droppings can seep through rafters, floorboards, insulation, ceilings, walls, and eventually into the living areas of the home. This permeation can leave unsightly stains on the walls and ceilings, and cause lingering orders.

What to Do if You Spot Bats

If you actually see bats around dusk swooping in and out of your chimney or other area of your home, you can safely assume you have nuisance bats in close proximity. However, your home might not be a target just yet. Be sure to contact a wildlife control expert as soon as possible for help.

Are you ready to take control of your nuisance bat problem in Indiana? Contact us at 317-257-2290 for professional and prompt Indianapolis IN bat removal services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients.

You Should Also Read:

Where to Get Help With Your Bat Infestation Insurance Claim
How to Look for Bats in the Attic
Here’s Why You Have a Bat Problem on Your Property

Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605
Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605

How to Hire Critter Control Services for Bats in the Attic

A bat in the attic can cause serious damage to the structure of your home by soiling the insulation, sheet rock, ceilings and wood panels with urine and other bat debris.  This can lead to terrible odors that seep into the living areas of your home.  The longer a bat colony is nesting in your home, the more damage will result. Do you suspect you may have bats in the attic? If so, it is important to act fast before the situation gets out of control. You will need emergency bat extraction followed by proper bat exclusion services provided by a professional company.

In fact, choose Indianapolis Bat Removal for all your bat abatement and animal-proofing needs! We are a licensed and insured team of specialists who adhere to all local, state, and federal laws that govern wildlife, and who uses industry accepted standards and best practices for bat removal and control.

Continue reading to learn why you should choose our certified wildlife control company, and what we can do to get rid of the bats in your attic!

You Don’t Have to Live With Bats in the Attic.

How Indianapolis Bat Removal Gets Rid of Bats in the Attic

Depending on the condition and unique needs of a property, the methods and strategies for bat removal can vary. Factors that influence the process include the quantity of bats, age of bats, time of year, location, and much more. So, what does the process of bat removal and control involve? Here is what you can expect from our Indianapolis IN bat removal and control company:

Bat Clean Up – Bats can create a mess after nesting for a long period of time in one area. A combination of their feeding, nesting, and droppings can create an unpleasant and deteriorating environment. Our company provides a service that erases the bat debris and sanitizes the area back to its original state.

Structural Damage Repairs and Restoration – Bats can cause structural damages to attics, crawl spaces, garages, roofs, and more. Our company can work side by side with your homeowner’s insurance providers to repair and restore the damages professionally.

Bat Prevention –  Not only can our company provide the highest quality bat removal services, but we can also implement professional strategies, methods, and advice to prevent another intrusion. Bat prevention is one of the most crucial components of bat control.

Ready to Get Started With a Free Estimate for Bat Removal in Indianapolis?

We make the bat removal process easy, affordable, and fast for our clients. In fact, we specialize in bat removal of attics, wall voids, and crawl spaces. We retain the proper resources and technologies to extract bats, cleanup and sanitize the mess they left, and even provide minor attic repairs like insulation replacement and animal-proofing systems.

Contact us today at 317-535-4605 to request a free estimate to get rid of bats in the attic in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can work alongside your homeowners’ insurance carrier to perform repair and restoration work for bat damages.

You Should Also Read:

Here’s Why You Have a Bat Problem on Your Property
The 3 Species of Nuisance Bat in Indiana
Why are Bats Dangerous?

Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605
Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605