How to Keep Bats Out of Your Home: The Top 10 Exclusion Best Practices

Are you looking for ways to keep bats out of your home? Bat exclusion is a critical part of bat control and removal, and it’s important to understand the best practices for doing so. Bats can be beneficial animals in many cases, but they can also cause problems when they get into your living space. To ensure that bats don’t enter your home, below are 10 key exclusion best practices you should follow.

Call 317-535-4605 For Bat Exclusion Services in Indianapolis
Call 317-535-4605 For Bat Exclusion Services in Indianapolis

Top 10 Bat Exclusion Tips for Homeowners

1. Interior/Exterior Inspection – Inspect your home for potential entry points. It’s important to look for any cracks, holes or gaps in the walls or roof that may allow bats to enter your home. Check around windows and doors, and also check any vents, chimneys, or other openings. Seal up any gaps or cracks with caulk or steel mesh screens.

2. Exclusion Barriers – Install chimney caps on top of chimneys and vent covers on exterior vents. These will block access to these areas and prevent bats from entering through them. Make sure they are securely installed and made of rust-proof materials so that they last longer outdoors.

3. Landscaping Work – Trim back trees or shrubs near the roof of your house as this can provide an easy access point for bats.

4. Outdoor Flood Lights – Put a light on your porch or near the entrance of your home as this can help deter bats from coming close to the house.

5. Bat Houses – Install bat houses around your property, away from the main living space of your home. This will attract any wild-roaming bats away and give them an alternate place to rest and nest rather than in your attic or walls.

6. Bat Repellents – Place ammonia-soaked rags around potential entry points as ammonia has a strong smell that repels many animals including bats. Moth balls work well, too.

7. Noises and Sound Waves – Use ultrasonic sound devices to ward off bats, as they emit high-frequency sounds that humans cannot hear but are extremely unpleasant for animals like bats to be around. You can also play a radio to make bats think humans are around.

8. Attic Maintenance – Make sure any attic or other areas where bats may take up residence are well-ventilated, as this will help deter them from wanting to stay there due to the increased air flow which can make it uncomfortable for them.

9. Light Deterrents – Set up a bright light in the area where you believe bats may be living. This will cause them to move elsewhere as they do not like bright light and prefer dark areas for roosting.

10. Professional Bat Removal – If all else fails, contact a professional Indianapolis bat removal and control service. They can provide safe and humane bat exclusion services using specialized equipment and acute knowledge of bat behavior, thus removing them safely from your home.

Now You May Get Rid of Bats Safely

Following these 10 best practices will help keep bats out of your home and ensure that your living space remains bat-free. Remember, prevention is the best way to keep bats away and any potential entry points should be identified and sealed up as soon as possible. If you suspect a bat infestation in your home, contact a professional pest control service immediately to get it taken care of quickly before it gets worse.

Are you pretty sure you have bats in the chimney or attic of your residence? Contact us today at 317-535-4605for licensed and insured Indianapolis bat removal services you can trust. We serve both residential and commercial clients with home inspections, bat removal, bat proofing, bat cleanup, and more. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

Related Posts:

How to Tell if You Have Bats in Your Home
3 DIY Methods to Get Rid of Bats
How to Use Natural Spices and Herbs to Keep Bats Off Your Property

Where to Get Fall and Winter Bat-Proofing Service in Central Indiana

The summer has finally come to an end, as the first day of the Autumn season arrives next week! But before you get out all of your seasonal décor and cozy sweaters, you need to start thinking about animal-proofing against nuisance bats. Here in Indiana, nuisance bats are a common threat to homes and businesses this time of year because they are looking for shelter to hibernate through winter and birth their young in the Spring.

Fortunately, Indianapolis Bat Removal is currently offering fantastic and unbeatable deals for bat control, removal, proofing, infestation cleanup services, and much more! 

Indianapolis Bat Control 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Bat Control 317-535-4605

Bat Removal and Control Service in Indianapolis

Indianapolis Bat Removal provides expert animal removal and control services for homes and businesses all over the state of Indiana.  Our bat control technicians are DNR licensed and trained in the animal control industry, with more than two decades of experience!  We retain the latest technologies and equipment to remove bats safely and humanely, without ever killing them. 

We also provide cleanup and restoration services for bat infestations and structural damages.  Although you can call a construction renovation company for restoration services, they do not retain the particular knowledge on guano and urine cleanup, odor control, and where the saturation extends.  We are the experts that can handle all of the above, plus more!

Get your home proofed and ready for the Fall and Winter season.  This is when nuisance animals, such as bats and raccoons, seek out shelter from the cold weather inside our homes and businesses.  By animal-proofing your home ahead of time, you can avoid high restoration and removal costs this season!

Are you ready to defend your home against nuisance bat infestations and activity this year? Contact Indianapolis Bat Removal at 317-535-4605 to schedule a critter control home inspection for bats, or for emergency bat removal in Indianapolis, Indiana.  We also offer free estimates!

You Should Also Read:

Top Warning Signs of a Bat Infestation
Facts About Rabies in Bats
How to Look for Bats in the Attic

Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605
Indiana Bat Removal 317-535-4605