It might be too early to talk about Spring, but it is never a wrong time to talk about gardening!
Bat excrement is known as guano. Do you recall that scene in Pet Detective 2 when actor Jim Carey fervently licks his dinner bowl after a delicious meal made by the native tribe, then grimaces in shock soon after when he learns it is made from bat guano? Well, you just might be surprised to learn that guano really is used agriculturally all over the world. Just as we use livestock manure for fertilizer, bat guano is equally effective for the job. In fact, bat guano is a common and popular resource used by veteran gardeners and farmers right here in Indiana!
Continue reading to learn some more about bat guano, including where to get some for your growing garden, and what to do if you spot bat guano around your property.
Benefits of Bat Droppings
Bat guano is a popular fertilizer because it is fast-acting, extremely effective, and virtually odorless. Gardeners can mix it into their soil beds prior to planting their crops, or even during their active growth periods. It conditions the soil, leaving it enriched with vital nutrients and improving soil aeration and water drainage. Bat fertilizer enhancer delivers greener, lusher lawns and gardens all season long. If you wish to give it a try, simply visit your local home improvement store’s garden section for a wide selection of lawn care products, including fertilizers, additives, composters, fungicides, and more.
Additional Uses for Guano
Bat guano is not just an effective fertilizer, it is also a natural fungicide, which means it can be used to control nuisance roundworms (and other nematodes) in the soil. In additional to fertilizer and fungicide, it is also an excellent compost activator and accelerator because it speeds up decomposition. Using bat guano is easy, and you even have a couple different application options. You can sprinkle the fertilizer directly on top of the soil, work it into the soil directly, or make it into a water-based solution known as “bat tea” and incorporate it into your watering routine.
Watch Out for Nuisance Bats
Although bat guano makes an excellent lawn care product, it does not make a great addition to your home. If you spot guano accumulations around your property, be sure to implement proper bat control techniques to prevent costly infestations like bats in the attic. The longer bats live inside your house, the more damages they will cause, and the more repairs bills you’ll have to pay. Bat infestations can also pose several dangerous health risks to both people and pets, making emergency Indianapolis bat removal quite necessary.
24 Hour Bat Removal and Control Services in Indianapolis, Indiana
Call 317-535-4605 for professional Indianapolis bat removal services you can trust. We are DNR licensed wildlife rescue and control professionals who specialize in a wide range of residential and commercial bat abatement services. We only use safe and humane methods to extract bats and prevent their return, and offer the most competitive prices in town. Request a free estimate, today.