How to Keep Bats Out of Your Home: The Top 10 Exclusion Best Practices

Are you looking for ways to keep bats out of your home? Bat exclusion is a critical part of bat control and removal, and it’s important to understand the best practices for doing so. Bats can be beneficial animals in many cases, but they can also cause problems when they get into your living space. To ensure that bats don’t enter your home, below are 10 key exclusion best practices you should follow.

Call 317-535-4605 For Bat Exclusion Services in Indianapolis
Call 317-535-4605 For Bat Exclusion Services in Indianapolis

Top 10 Bat Exclusion Tips for Homeowners

1. Interior/Exterior Inspection – Inspect your home for potential entry points. It’s important to look for any cracks, holes or gaps in the walls or roof that may allow bats to enter your home. Check around windows and doors, and also check any vents, chimneys, or other openings. Seal up any gaps or cracks with caulk or steel mesh screens.

2. Exclusion Barriers – Install chimney caps on top of chimneys and vent covers on exterior vents. These will block access to these areas and prevent bats from entering through them. Make sure they are securely installed and made of rust-proof materials so that they last longer outdoors.

3. Landscaping Work – Trim back trees or shrubs near the roof of your house as this can provide an easy access point for bats.

4. Outdoor Flood Lights – Put a light on your porch or near the entrance of your home as this can help deter bats from coming close to the house.

5. Bat Houses – Install bat houses around your property, away from the main living space of your home. This will attract any wild-roaming bats away and give them an alternate place to rest and nest rather than in your attic or walls.

6. Bat Repellents – Place ammonia-soaked rags around potential entry points as ammonia has a strong smell that repels many animals including bats. Moth balls work well, too.

7. Noises and Sound Waves – Use ultrasonic sound devices to ward off bats, as they emit high-frequency sounds that humans cannot hear but are extremely unpleasant for animals like bats to be around. You can also play a radio to make bats think humans are around.

8. Attic Maintenance – Make sure any attic or other areas where bats may take up residence are well-ventilated, as this will help deter them from wanting to stay there due to the increased air flow which can make it uncomfortable for them.

9. Light Deterrents – Set up a bright light in the area where you believe bats may be living. This will cause them to move elsewhere as they do not like bright light and prefer dark areas for roosting.

10. Professional Bat Removal – If all else fails, contact a professional Indianapolis bat removal and control service. They can provide safe and humane bat exclusion services using specialized equipment and acute knowledge of bat behavior, thus removing them safely from your home.

Now You May Get Rid of Bats Safely

Following these 10 best practices will help keep bats out of your home and ensure that your living space remains bat-free. Remember, prevention is the best way to keep bats away and any potential entry points should be identified and sealed up as soon as possible. If you suspect a bat infestation in your home, contact a professional pest control service immediately to get it taken care of quickly before it gets worse.

Are you pretty sure you have bats in the chimney or attic of your residence? Contact us today at 317-535-4605for licensed and insured Indianapolis bat removal services you can trust. We serve both residential and commercial clients with home inspections, bat removal, bat proofing, bat cleanup, and more. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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How to Tell if You Have Bats in Your Home
3 DIY Methods to Get Rid of Bats
How to Use Natural Spices and Herbs to Keep Bats Off Your Property

10 Ways to Support Bat Conservation Efforts in the US

Bats are some of the most misunderstood and maligned creatures in the animal kingdom, but they play an important role in our environment. Unfortunately, many species of bats are endangered due to human activity and habitat loss. Thankfully, there are several ways you can support bat conservation efforts in the US.

From supporting local wildlife organizations to taking steps to control bat populations on your property, here are 10 ways you can help protect these amazing animals. 

Call 317-535-4605 For Humane Bat Removal in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-535-4605 For Humane Bat Removal in Indianapolis Indiana

How to Help With Bat Conservation in the United States

By learning more about bats and taking action to reduce their impact on our ecosystems we can ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy them for years to come. Here are ways you can help the nationwide initiative to protect bat species in our country and across the world:

1. Support local and national organizations that are dedicated to protecting bats. Organizations like Bat Conservation International, the Endangered Species Coalition, and the Center for Biological Diversity focus on efforts to protect bats and their habitats. Donating or volunteering your time to these organizations is a great way to show your support for bat conservation.

2. Join a community monitoring program that tracks the populations of endangered species in your area. Many states have programs where volunteers collect data about bat populations in order to better understand their needs and develop methods for conserving them. By participating in these programs, you can help inform decisions about future conservation efforts which will be critical for saving threatened species.

3. Plant native plants that provide food sources for bats. Bats are important pollinators and seed dispersers, so providing them with a source of food can help their populations thrive. Planting native plants that provide nectar or fruit for bats will also attract more of these animals to your area, providing them with much-needed habitat and resources. This only applies to tropic and subtropical regions that are home to Fruit bats, also known as megabats.

4. Build bat boxes on your property to provide more roosting sites for bats. Bat boxes are wooden structures designed to give bats a safe place to sleep during the day and hide from predators at night. By building bat houses, you can create additional habitats that offer protection to local species while also helping control pest insects in the area.

5. Take steps to reduce light pollution in your neighborhood or backyard. Too much artificial lighting can disrupt the natural cycles of nocturnal animals like bats, so turning off lights at night or installing motion-sensor lighting will help create an environment more conducive to their survival.

6. Help control bat populations in your area by using humane techniques. Such methods include exclusion barriers and one-way doors, which allow bats to leave a structure without allowing them back in. This makes it easier to keep their numbers in check while still protecting them from harm.

7. Educate yourself and others about the importance of bats. Learning more about these animals and sharing that knowledge with your friends and family is an important first step towards understanding why they need our protection. Bats are ecologically important. So, information campaigns can help build public support for conservation initiatives and may even lead to changes in government policy.

8. Participate in research projects that monitor bat populations or measure the effects of conservation efforts. By volunteering your time or donating money to these projects, you can help support valuable data collection and analysis which is essential for understanding how best to protect these species in the future.

9. Advocate for policies that protect bats and their habitats on a local and national level. Contacting your representatives about legislation related to endangered species protection or habitat preservation can make a big difference when it comes to ensuring the survival of these animals for generations to come.

10. Donate land or resources to organizations dedicated to protecting bats and their habitats. Unused land or financial contributions can be invaluable resources when it comes to creating and maintaining habitats for bat conservation. By donating land or resources you can help ensure that these species have a future in the US.

Help Protect Local Bat Populations

Taking action to support bat conservation efforts is an important way to ensure that these animals will be around for future generations. With so many different strategies available, everyone has a role they can play in protecting bats and their habitats. Every small effort counts and together we can make sure that the US remains a safe home for our furry flying friends. If you are experiencing issues with nuisance bats or bats in the attic, please do the right thing by calling a local and licensed bat removal and control company in Indianapolis for safe assistance.

Would you like professional assistance with securing your home or business against bat intrusions? Contact us at 317-535-4605 to schedule a critter control home inspection for bats, or for emergency bat control in Indianapolis, Indiana.  We also offer free estimates!

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How to Safely Get Rid of Bats in Your Home
Why Bat Removal Services are So Important
Common Uses for Bat Guano

A Comprehensive Guide to Bat Proofing Your Home

Bats are fascinating creatures, and they can provide many benefits to humans. Unfortunately, bats can also become a nuisance when they find their way into our homes. If you’re dealing with a bat infestation in your home, you need to take steps as soon as possible to bat-proof it. Doing so will help keep the bats out of your living space and prevent future problems from arising.

This guide outlines the steps necessary for proper bat proofing of your home or property. We’ll discuss why this is important, how to identify potential entry points for bats, what materials you should use for sealing off these areas, and more. By following this guide closely and taking all the necessary precautions, you can ensure that your home remains free from unwanted visitors of the winged variety!

Call 317-535-4605 When You Need a Trusted Bat Removal Company in Indianapolis, IN.
Call 317-535-4605 When You Need a Trusted Bat Removal Company in Indianapolis, IN.

The Process of Bat Proofing Your Home

First and foremost, it is important to understand why bat proofing your home is so necessary. Not only can bats cause a mess by leaving droppings around the house, but they can also carry certain diseases that are harmful to humans. Additionally, their presence in the attic or other parts of the house can be disruptive and may even lead to property damage if left unchecked. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that your home is properly sealed off from bats before they have a chance to make themselves at home.

The next step in bat proofing your home is identifying potential areas where bats may gain access. This includes any cracks or gaps in walls and ceilings as well as damaged roof shingles or other openings. Once you’ve located these areas, it’s time to start sealing them off. You can use any combination of mesh wire, caulk, or sealant for this purpose. If possible, it’s best to go for materials that are long-lasting and weatherproof so that they will remain effective in keeping out bats over time.

Finally, it is important to check your home periodically for any new or existing damage that could be a potential entry point for bats. This includes inspecting the roof and walls for wear and tear as well as looking around windowsills and doorways for cracks or gaps. Also make sure to regularly clean up any debris from the exterior of your home that might provide a place where bats can hide or take rest.

Protect Your Property Against Bat Infestations and Threats

This guide should provide you with all the information necessary to bat-proof your home and keep it free from unwanted guests. Remember that a little prevention can go a long way when it comes to protecting yourself from potential health risks and damage associated with bats. By following this guide and taking the necessary steps for bat proofing, you can ensure that your home remains safe and secure!

Don’t let nuisance bats take over your abode. Secure your home against bat infestations this year! Contact Indianapolis Bat Removal at 317-535-4605 to schedule a critter control home inspection for bats, or for emergency bat removal in Indianapolis, Indiana.  We also offer free estimates!

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Up to Date Facts About Bats and Rabies
The Dangers of Having Bats in Your Home
How to Safely Get Rid of Bats in Your Home

What To Look for in Professional Bat Removal Services

Are you dealing with a bat infestation in your home or business? If so, then it’s time to call in the professionals. Certified and insured bat removal services can help you get rid of bats quickly and safely. But how do you know which service is best for your needs? Here are some tips on what to look for in a professional bat removal service in Indiana.

Call 317-535-4605 For Professional Bat Removal Service in Indianapolis
Call 317-535-4605 For Professional Bat Removal Service in Indianapolis

Best Credentials to Look for in a Bat Removal Company

1. Experience – Make sure the company has experience working with bats and other wildlife. Ask about their methods for capturing, relocating, and controlling pests.

2. Equipment – Find out what kind of equipment they use during bat removal and control operations. Are they using humane traps that will not harm the animals being removed? Do they have special tools to access hard-to-reach areas where bats may be hiding?

3. Safety – Ask about safety protocols when handling wild animals like bats, as well as any safety precautions taken by staff members while onsite at your property or facility. You want to make sure that both people and animals are safe during this process! 

4. Reputation – Check online reviews from past customers to gauge customer satisfaction levels with each company’s services offered; this will also give you an idea of whether or not their prices are competitive with other companies in the area.

5. Cost – Professional bat removal services can be pricey, so make sure you get a quote before committing to a service agreement. Compare prices between different companies and look for discounts or coupons that may be available.

Find the Right Bat Removal Company in Indiana

Ultimately, researching potential bat removal companies in Indianapolis is worth the time and effort in order to ensure that you are getting the best service for your needs. If you’re looking for a professional bat removal expert, make sure to keep these points in mind and you’ll be well on your way to finding the right one!

Common Signs of a Bat Infestation:

1. Droppings – One of the most common signs of a bat infestation is the presence of droppings, or guano. Bats typically roost in attics or other dark, secluded areas, and over time, their droppings can accumulate in large quantities. Guano is not only unsightly, but it can also be hazardous to human health, as it can contain harmful bacteria that can cause respiratory infections.

2. Noises Another common sign of having bats is the presence of noises coming from the affected area. Bats are nocturnal creatures, so the noises are typically most noticeable at night. These noises can include the sound of wings flapping or squeaking sounds that bats make when they communicate with each other.

3. Odors Another common indication is the presence of odors coming from the affected area. The odors are typically caused by the accumulation of bat droppings, and they can be quite pungent. Additionally, bats often urinate in their roosting areas, which can further contribute to the problem.

4. Stains Another common sign of bats is the presence of stains on walls or ceilings near the affected area. These stains are typically caused by bat droppings or urine, and they can be difficult to remove. In some cases, the stains may also be accompanied by a musty smell.

5. Sightings – Perhaps the most obvious sign of a nearby bat roost is actual sightings of bats in or around the affected area. If you see a bat during the daytime, it is likely that there is an infestation present as bats are typically nocturnal creatures. If you see multiple bats, it is even more likely that there is an issue present.

Are you ready to get rid of bats? Contact us at 317-257-2290 for certified Indianapolis Indiana bat removal services at an affordable price. We also provide attic cleanup and restoration for bat damages.

Related Posts:

3 Common Damages Caused by Bat Infestation
How to Look for Bats in the Attic
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How to Safely Get Rid of Bats in Your Home

If you’ve recently found bats in your home, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to handle the situation. Bats can cause a great deal of damage in a short amount of time, even more so if left unchecked. So, it is important to take action as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are safe and effective methods for removing bats from your home that will keep both you and they protected. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the necessary steps for bat removal and provide tips on how to prevent future nuisance bat problems and intrusions.

So, read on to learn more about safely getting rid of bats in your home!

Call 317-535-4605 For Licensed Bat Removal in Indianapolis.
Call 317-535-4605 For Licensed Bat Removal in Indianapolis.

Steps to Eliminating a Bat Infestation in the House

Bat Exclusion

The first step to bat removal is identifying where they are living. Bats most commonly live in attics and wall voids but can also be found roosting under eaves or within chimneys. Once you’ve determined the location of your bat colony, you should contact a professional Indianapolis wildlife removal service for bat removal service. Professional bat control operators will have the knowledge and experience necessary to safely and humanely remove the bats from your home.

Bat Proofing

Once the bats have been removed, it is important to take steps to prevent future infestations. To do this, you should inspect your property for any potential entry points such as small cracks or gaps in siding or around windows and door frames. If possible, these areas should then be sealed off with caulk or steel wool. Additionally, you can install bat guards around chimneys and other potential entry points to help keep bats out.

Now You Can Get Rid of Bats Safely

By following these steps, you can safely get rid of bats in your home and prevent future infestations. However, it is important to remember that bats are protected by law and should never be harmed or killed. If you find bats in your home, contact a professional wildlife removal service as soon as possible to ensure that the bats are removed safely and humanely. With the right knowledge and precautions, you can protect both yourself and the bats!

Have questions about getting rid of bats at home or the office? Contact Bat Removal Indiana at 317-535-4605 for more information! We are licensed wildlife control specialists who offer full service bat removal in Indianapolis who can provide you with the help you need.

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The Dangers of Having Bats in Your Home
What to Do When You Need to Get Rid of Bats in the Attic
Why Bat Removal Services are So Important

How to Tell if You Have Bats in Your Home

If you have bats in your home, it’s important to take steps to remove them as soon as possible. Bats can be dangerous if they’re allowed to stay in your house, and they can also cause a lot of damage. Below are some tips on how to tell if you have bats in your home and how to get rid of them.

Call 317-535-4605 to Get Rid of Bats in the House in Indianapolis Indiana!
Call 317-535-4605 to Get Rid of Bats in the House in Indianapolis Indiana!

Indianapolis Bat Removal For Residential Properties

If you have bats in your home, it’s important to take steps to remove them as soon as possible. Bats can be dangerous if they’re allowed to stay in your house, and they can also cause a lot of damage. Here are some tips on how to tell if you have bats in your home and how to get rid of them.

Look for signs of bats. Bats can be difficult to spot, but you may notice some common signs that indicate the presence of bats in your home. Look for bat droppings (guano) near windows and doors, or along walls. You may also hear a high-pitched buzzing sound coming from inside your walls or attic.

Inspect your home for entry points. Bats are small, so they can squeeze through tiny gaps and crevices. Inspect the outside of your home, looking for cracks and holes that bats could use to enter. Pay special attention to areas near rooflines, as well as around eaves, windowsills, and vents.

Set up security cameras. If you suspect that bats are living in your home, set up some small security cameras to help monitor the situation. Such devices can be purchased online or at any local department stores, They will allow you to track and control the population of bats in your home.

Call a professional. Although there are many DIY solutions for getting rid of bats, the best way to ensure they are removed safely and effectively is by bringing in a professional. A licensed and insured Indianapolis bat removal company will be able to identify all of the entry points, as well as provide you with advice on proper bat control and prevention strategies.

Get Rid of Bats in the House Now

Taking steps to get rid of bats early on can help prevent more serious issues from developing down the line. If you think bats are living in your home, follow these tips to make sure they’re removed quickly and safely. For any further questions or concerns related to bat removal, bat control, or bats in the house, please contact a licensed pest management professional. They will be able to provide effective solutions that are tailored specifically for your home.

Have bats been tormenting your property? You’re positive you have bats in the house? Don’t endure their infestation any longer! Contact us at 317-535-4605 for fast and affordable bat removal service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are DNR certified and insured experts who provide solutions to residential and commercial clients. Ask for a complimentary estimate or advice right away!

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The Dangers of Having Bats in Your Home

Having a bat infestation in your house is dangerous for a number of reasons. Bats can carry rabies, and their droppings can contain harmful bacteria. In addition, bats may damage your property as they try to get into the building. If you have a bat infestation, it is important to take steps to remove them as soon as possible.

Continue below to learn the top reasons why bats are so dangerous, and why you should have them removed as soon as possible.

Call 317-535-4605 For Indianapolis Bat Removal!
Call 317-535-4605 For Indianapolis Bat Removal!

What are Bat Infestations Dangerous?

Bats Can Carry Rabies

Bats can carry rabies, which is a deadly disease. If you are bitten or scratched by a bat, you should go to the hospital immediately. Rabies can be prevented if it is treated early, but if left untreated, it is fatal. Rabies can be transmitted to humans through contact with the saliva of a rabid animal, such as a bat. To protect yourself and others, it is best to stay away from any wild animals that may carry rabies.

Additionally, bats should never be kept as pets or allowed in the home. Doing so puts both you and the bat at risk for rabies, as well as other diseases that can be spread through contact with bat saliva or feces. If you discover a bat in your home, it should not be touched and should be removed by a professional wildlife removal service.

Bats Can Spread Other Diseases

Bats can also spread other diseases besides rabies, such as histoplasmosis. Histoplasmosis is a serious lung infection that can be fatal if not treated. It is caused by a fungus that is found in the droppings of bats and other birds. To protect yourself from histoplasmosis, it is important to avoid contact with bat droppings and to wear a mask when cleaning up droppings.

Other diseases that can be spread by bats include meningitis, encephalitis, and SARS. All of these diseases are serious and can be deadly if not treated. It is important to take precautions to avoid exposure to bat saliva and feces, especially if you are pregnant or have a weakened immune system.

Bats Can Cause Extensive Damage to Your Home

Bats can cause extensive damage to your home. They often roost in attics, where they can chew through insulation, wiring, and roofing materials. They can also contaminate the attic with their droppings, which can cause respiratory problems in humans. If you have bats in your home, it is important to have them removed by a professional wildlife removal service. This will help ensure that all damage is repaired, and any health risks are minimized.

Bat Guano (Droppings) is Toxic and Can Contaminate Your Home

The dangers of bat droppings in your home are many. As mentioned, bat droppings can contain histoplasmosis, a lung infection caused by a fungus found in bat droppings and bird droppings. The infection can cause fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing. It can also cause enlargement of the liver and spleen, and death.

In addition, bat droppings can contain rabies. Rabies is a deadly virus that affects the brain and nervous system. It is often transmitted through the bite of an infected animal, but it can also be transmitted through contact with the saliva or blood of an infected animal. Once symptoms develop, it is almost always fatal.

If you find bat droppings in your home, be sure to take precautions to avoid exposure to the droppings and the organisms they may contain. Wear gloves and a dust mask when cleaning up the droppings, and immediately clean up any spills. Disinfect any surfaces that may have been contaminated. If you think you may have been exposed to rabies or another infection, seek medical attention right away.

If you have bats in your home, take immediate action. Contact Bat Removal Indiana at 317-535-4605 for licensed and insured bat removal services in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. We serve both residential and commercial clients.

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Up to Date Facts About Bats and Rabies

Bats are the only mammal capable of true flight and have been present on Earth for over 50 million years. There are over 1,200 species of bats worldwide, making them one of the most diverse groups of mammals. While most people think of bats as being associated with dark places and spooky caves, they play an important role in many ecosystems.

Bats are important pollinators and help to disperse seeds, which helps to ensure the health of forests and other habitats. They are also a major food source for many predators, including owls, snakes, and some species of cats. In some cultures, bats are considered to be good luck symbols, while in others they are feared as omens of death.

Despite their beneficial role in nature, bats can also be carriers of disease. They are the natural reservoirs for a number of viruses, including rabies. While the risk of contracting rabies from a bat is low, it is still important to be aware of the potential dangers they pose.

In this blog, we will discuss more facts about the link between bats and the Rabies Virus, plus provide a bonus tip on how to safely get rid of bats if you are dealing with a nuisance critter problem in Indianapolis.

Get Rid of Bats Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605
Get Rid of Bats Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605

What You Need to Know About Rabies

Rabies is a viral disease that affects the nervous system. It is typically transmitted through the bite of an infected animal but can also be transmitted through contact with saliva or other body fluids. The rabies virus attacks the brain, causing inflammation and ultimately death. Symptoms of rabies include fever, headache, muscle pain, weakness, paralysis, and seizures. The disease is almost always fatal once symptoms begin to appear but can be prevented through prompt treatment with a rabies vaccine.

Bats are the most common source of rabies infections in humans, accounting for over 60% of reported cases. While the risk of contracting rabies from a bat is low, it is still important to take precautions when around them. If you are bitten or scratched by a bat, it is important to seek medical attention immediately and to begin the rabies vaccination process. Be sure to keep your pets vaccinated against Rabies as well.

Bat Removal and Control

Bats are often considered nuisance pests due to their habit of roosting in homes and other structures. Bats can enter through very small openings, making them difficult to keep out. In addition, their droppings can contain harmful bacteria that can contaminate food and surfaces. If you have a bat problem, it’s important to take steps to remove and control them.

There are a few different ways to remove bats from your home or other structure. You can have a bat exclusion device installed, which allows the bats to exit but not re-enter. You can also have any openings sealed up that the bats are using to get into your home. Once the bats are gone, any areas where they were roosting needs to be cleaned and sanitized to prevent the spread of disease.

If you have a bat problem, only trust a licensed and insured bat pest control professional for help extracting and managing them. Contact us at 317-257-2290 for professional and prompt Indianapolis IN bat removal services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Why Bat Removal Services are So Important

Bats are incredible creatures. Not only are they mammals like us, but they are also the only mammal capable of true flight! There are many interesting facts about bats to learn and enjoy but dealing with a bat problem in your house is no fun at all. That is because bats do not make good house guests. Instead, they cause an extreme number of structural damages, and can even pose certain health risks to people and pets.

Fortunately, there are professional bat removal and control services available for residential and commercial property owners. These services are essential for the protection of our investments, but more importantly, for our own protection.

Continue reading to learn why bat removal services are so important, and what to do if you are experiencing a bat problem on your property.

Indianapolis Bat Removal Company 317-535-4605
Indianapolis Bat Removal Company 317-535-4605

The Importance of Professional Bat Removal and Control

Bats cause extensive damage to our homes. They look for warm shelters to roost in, and they find them easily since they can fit into an opening as small as half an inch. Attics are the most common residential areas to find bat roosts, but bats are also found in walls, crawl spaces, garages, and on the borders of woods and forests. Once inside a shelter such as an attic, bats will make their nests and soil every surface with their urine and guano. This includes attic insulation, floorboards, electrical wiring, and more.

After a long period of time, their droppings will begin to seep into living areas of the home. Walls and ceilings will appear stained, and a foul stench will resonate indoors. What makes this worse is the fact that bats are not loners; they are almost always part of a large colony, which means damages occur quicker and at a higher level.

Bats and Transmissible Diseases

Safety and health are more reasons why it is important to remove bats as soon as possible. Bats are known carriers of several diseases and illness. This includes the deadly Rabies Virus. Not only are bats known carriers of certain infectious diseases, such as Rabies, but their droppings can also pose health risks. Histoplasmosis is a lung infection that can develop as result of long periods of exposure to Histoplasma capsulatum fungal spores. These spores can grow in bat guano, spread through the home’s ventilation, and be inhaled unknowingly.

Are you dealing with an increasingly risky bat population on or around your Indy property? Contact us today at 317-535-4605for professional Indianapolis bat removal services you can afford. We are DNR licensed and insured, serving both residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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Never Attempt to Remove Bats By Yourself
3 Smells That Can Repel Nuisance Bats
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3 DIY Methods to Get Rid of Bats

Although bats are important to us, we do not want them too close to our homes and businesses. Bat infestations and tampering can cause a lot of structural damage, plus pose certain health and safety risks. It is always in the best interest of your safety, security, and investment to get rid of bats as soon as you notice their activity increasing around your home. There are many do-it-yourself approaches you can take for bat control, most of which are affordable and easy to do.

Continue below to learn the top 3 methods of DIY bat control you should explore if you want to safely get rid of bats and keep bats away for good.

Bat Control Service  Indianapolis Indiana  317-535-4605
Bat Control Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-535-4605

Do-It-Yourself Bat Control Tips

Exterior Sealing and Attic Protection

Bats love attics, wall voids, and even crawl spaces. Here in Indiana, bats can squeeze through an opening or gap as little as 3/8th of an inch. With these two factors at play, it is important to protect your home from bat intrusions by implementing an exterior security plan. There are many products you can purchase online or at your local home improvement store that can help, such as attic vent covers, mesh screening, chimney caps, and siding sealant. Although you can do this yourself, it is recommended to get professional assistance from a licensed and insured Indianapolis bat removal company, especially if you do not have experience using ladders or performing handy-work.

If you have bats in the attic or bats in the house, do not attempt to extract them yourself. Not only could this be against the law as many Indiana bat species are federally protected, but it can be dangerous to both you and the bat. Always contact a bat removal service to get a bat out of the house or remove a bat infestation.

Ultrasonic Bat Repellers

Bats use a natural, built-in biosonar known as echolocation. They emit series of high-frequency sounds then analyze the reverberations that come back to them to conceptually map their surroundings. Because bats can pick up on an immense scope of frequencies, devices known as ultrasonic bat repellers have proven successful as a means of humane bat control. The frequencies emitted from the devices confuse, and therefore divert bats away from its location. You can purchase these electronic devices online from authorized retailers or even at your local home improvement store. They are generally installed outside of the house, on the siding or roof.

All-Natural Bat Repellent

You can also make your own, homemade, all-natural, non-toxic repellent for bats. You will need a clean plastic spray bottle, at least 16 ounces, plus clean water, and ingredients that bats hate, like menthol oil, capsaicin oil, and eucalyptus oil. Combine all ingredients into the spray bottle and treat the areas where you know bats hang out, such as your door frame ledges, gutters, roof, trees, windowsills, and garage mortar. Just be sure to keep children and pets away from treated areas, as the solution can irritate the nose, throat, eyes, and skin.

Would you like some professional assistance securing your home or business against bat intrusions? Do you have bats in the attic and need them removed right now? Contact Indianapolis Bat Removal at 317-535-4605 to schedule a critter control home inspection for bats, or for emergency bat control in Indianapolis, Indiana.  We also offer free estimates!

You Should Also Read:

Top Warning Signs of a Bat Infestation
How to Use Natural Spices and Herbs to Keep Bats Off Your Property
How to Look for Bats in the Attic